Law Breaking and Disregard for Others another Moan !

I find it hard to relax and often don't want to go out as I just end up getting upset, it's as if everywhere I go I see something wrong, even just going for a run in the park, kids are smoking drugs, people drinking and dog owners allowing their dogs to run about despite it clearly saying on the gate that all dogs must be kept on a leash. It seems whenever I get on a bus theres at least one PSD (personal stereo dhead) with crackling headphones and complete disregard for others or one woman with perfume that stinks the whole bus out and my latest annoyance is buskers...the trend now is that they have amplifiers and the music really is so loud that I want to scream at them. It also seems that everywhere I go there is people taking drugs, where I live they smoke drugs and sometimes the whole house stinks of it, you go to the park and kids are doing it and even yesterday I was at a market I seen people smoking it 3 times. On top of this, the place where I live over the last year has had 3 neighbouring properties do rennovations and each time they had no regard for sound regulations regarding audible noise coming from building sites, apparently you are anly allowed to make noise from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-1pm on Saturday but countless times they worked till late, on Sundays etc and when you tell the council they do nothing at all. Then theres those bloody chuggers...the high street is like a no go area sometimes, people jump in front of you and hold out their hand expecting to shake your hand like they have known you for years "hello my friend how are you..."...or they block your walking path to ask you if you can answer a quick question it only takes a minute..etc..Then you get people riding their bikes on the pavement, I have had 2 near misses already....then you've got idiots walking around with those crazy dogs which really annoys me despite god knows how many people getting their face chewed off. the owners waltz around all big and hard knowing that they are intimidating because they have an untrained wild animal that is bred to be aggressive. While all these things may seem trivial it seems society is on a downward spiral when it comes to casual law breaking and disrespect for others as in my experience it just gets worse and worse year on year....this is the society created by man.

  • Well yes, some of these have useful paragraphs on sensory issues, but why aren't these same paragraphs on so many other fact sheets, such as the ones I've already alluded to.

    All you've demonstrated IntenseWorld is that NAS is very inconsistent with the sensory information, as if it is not for all readers. Similary one of the links has something on sensory overload, but why there, not elsewhere? Why not accompanying sensory sensitivities?

    The other thing is you did a search for sensory or somesuch, because you knew that was what we are discussing. The various people accessing these fact sheets don't know about sensory issues until they've been informed about it in the first place. So they only reach this stuff going deep into the NAS menu.

    Look at the lead-ins. Your second is reached via "Working with people with autism" then go to "education", then go to "Educational professionals in Schools" then go to "Breaking down barriers to learning" then go to "Sensory"  five levels down into the menu. Surely sensory issues are more important than that?

    Your third example also has 5 levels via a health route. And its pretty cursory stuff when you reach it.

    The last one is a bit of a curio - 5 levels to get a few quotes.

    You can pass me all the links you want IntenseWorld, but all you've demonstrated is that NAS regards anything outside the Triad of Impairments as very low priority.

    Which is not a great help when you consider that many professionals don't recognise poor eye contact unless it is obvious gaze aversion, or think if someone does alright in a half hour 1 to 1 dialogue they haven't got a communication problem.

    And why are you putting up the Press for Action campaign NAS when at the same time you are sending out contradictory messages?

    IntenseWorld, you seem to be making out that I'm being pedantic, which I probably am. But I anticipate you'll be fairly vocal next time someone comes back with a professional reaction that (really and truly if NAS isn't explaining it to them who else is?) is hardly surprising.

    However I seem to be on my own on this one.

  • Well yes, some of these have useful paragraphs on sensory issues, but why aren't these same paragraphs on so many other fact sheets, such as the ones I've already alluded to.

    All you've demonstrated IntenseWorld is that NAS is very inconsistent with the sensory information, as if it is not for all readers. Similary one of the links has something on sensory overload, but why there, not elsewhere? Why not accompanying sensory sensitivities?

    The other thing is you did a search for sensory or somesuch, because you knew that was what we are discussing. The various people accessing these fact sheets don't know about sensory issues until they've been informed about it in the first place. So they only reach this stuff going deep into the NAS menu.

    Look at the lead-ins. Your second is reached via "Working with people with autism" then go to "education", then go to "Educational professionals in Schools" then go to "Breaking down barriers to learning" then go to "Sensory"  five levels down into the menu. Surely sensory issues are more important than that?

    Your third example also has 5 levels via a health route. And its pretty cursory stuff when you reach it.

    The last one is a bit of a curio - 5 levels to get a few quotes.

    You can pass me all the links you want IntenseWorld, but all you've demonstrated is that NAS regards anything outside the Triad of Impairments as very low priority.

    Which is not a great help when you consider that many professionals don't recognise poor eye contact unless it is obvious gaze aversion, or think if someone does alright in a half hour 1 to 1 dialogue they haven't got a communication problem.

    And why are you putting up the Press for Action campaign NAS when at the same time you are sending out contradictory messages?

    IntenseWorld, you seem to be making out that I'm being pedantic, which I probably am. But I anticipate you'll be fairly vocal next time someone comes back with a professional reaction that (really and truly if NAS isn't explaining it to them who else is?) is hardly surprising.

    However I seem to be on my own on this one.

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