Law Breaking and Disregard for Others another Moan !

I find it hard to relax and often don't want to go out as I just end up getting upset, it's as if everywhere I go I see something wrong, even just going for a run in the park, kids are smoking drugs, people drinking and dog owners allowing their dogs to run about despite it clearly saying on the gate that all dogs must be kept on a leash. It seems whenever I get on a bus theres at least one PSD (personal stereo dhead) with crackling headphones and complete disregard for others or one woman with perfume that stinks the whole bus out and my latest annoyance is buskers...the trend now is that they have amplifiers and the music really is so loud that I want to scream at them. It also seems that everywhere I go there is people taking drugs, where I live they smoke drugs and sometimes the whole house stinks of it, you go to the park and kids are doing it and even yesterday I was at a market I seen people smoking it 3 times. On top of this, the place where I live over the last year has had 3 neighbouring properties do rennovations and each time they had no regard for sound regulations regarding audible noise coming from building sites, apparently you are anly allowed to make noise from 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-1pm on Saturday but countless times they worked till late, on Sundays etc and when you tell the council they do nothing at all. Then theres those bloody chuggers...the high street is like a no go area sometimes, people jump in front of you and hold out their hand expecting to shake your hand like they have known you for years "hello my friend how are you..."...or they block your walking path to ask you if you can answer a quick question it only takes a minute..etc..Then you get people riding their bikes on the pavement, I have had 2 near misses already....then you've got idiots walking around with those crazy dogs which really annoys me despite god knows how many people getting their face chewed off. the owners waltz around all big and hard knowing that they are intimidating because they have an untrained wild animal that is bred to be aggressive. While all these things may seem trivial it seems society is on a downward spiral when it comes to casual law breaking and disrespect for others as in my experience it just gets worse and worse year on year....this is the society created by man.

  • A lot of "criminality" of the sort you describe is a reaction to society, or a perception of society. We cannot all fit in to one scheme of social organisation, especially as there are always greedy people who take vastly more than their share, and others as a consequence who greatly lose out. Even socialist doctrines were prone to abuse, as demonstrated by the system of "perks" for party adherents in socialist Russia.

    So people break rules in an anti-social way, because if they did strictly adhere it only makes being at the bottom of the pile feel worse. I don't think it has anything to do with survival of the fittest. Parallels to hitler or anything like that aren't helpful here.

    Loud personal stereo though may have more to do with consequent loss of hearing sensitivity, they end up having to turn the volume up so high that their sound can be heard by everyone around them.

    The drug scene is as much a product of alternative (criminal) markets as drug dependancy is a way of making money and supporting gangland economies. Pit bull terriers, like knives, become necessaries for those living up against the criminal element, willingly or unwillingly.

    At the end of my postgrad years I had to sign on, but immediately got a temporary job for three months. When that ended I signed on again to find I couldn't get benefit for several months because of a rule I wasn't told about. I should have completed a process before I took that first temporary job. I was directed to a book on the market on how to beat social services which showed me this was a scam. I went to appeal, they tried to dissuade me, then offered me half - I insisted on appeal, and they gave in and gave me all my entitlements.

    During the last recession, early 90s, I was made redundant, and immediately found I was being denied paperwork I needed for my mortgage insurer. Prepared by previous insight I immediately made a formal complaint, and the misleading actions were stopped and I was told (probably didn't happen) the person responsible was disciplined - didn't mean she was removed. Had I not stood up to this I would have lost the insurance cover and been very much worse off.

    The DHSS functions to kick the losers in society. Most DHSS staff came into the job off the dole anyway, most have a grievance against society. They deliberately give false information to new claimants to teach them what scroungers deserve (apparently it was done to them so they dole it out same way).

    I'm sure a lot of the difficulties people on the spectrum experience with DHSS/Job Centres etc is down to delibrate misinformation. Social services seem to attract nasty spiteful and dishonest people.

    If you want to have a go at criminality start with Social Services. I think a lot of the bad attitude we see around us is down to people feeling "done down" and for many people in those circumstances they feel "done down" by the State, usually their first experiences being out of work and screwed by the DHSS.

    A lot of the noise and other discomfort factors you describe are down to sensory sensitivity and sensory overload (apparently not an autism issue as it is not covered by the triad of impairments).

    NTs seem mostly to be quite at ease with the noise, but react to intimidating environments, like hoodies (young people especially who always have hoods on), or groups of youngg people, who they perceive rightly or wrongly as a threat.

    I don't know the answer to the sensory overload issues as the powers that be, including NAS, don't seem to see a need to help us with it.

  • A lot of "criminality" of the sort you describe is a reaction to society, or a perception of society. We cannot all fit in to one scheme of social organisation, especially as there are always greedy people who take vastly more than their share, and others as a consequence who greatly lose out. Even socialist doctrines were prone to abuse, as demonstrated by the system of "perks" for party adherents in socialist Russia.

    So people break rules in an anti-social way, because if they did strictly adhere it only makes being at the bottom of the pile feel worse. I don't think it has anything to do with survival of the fittest. Parallels to hitler or anything like that aren't helpful here.

    Loud personal stereo though may have more to do with consequent loss of hearing sensitivity, they end up having to turn the volume up so high that their sound can be heard by everyone around them.

    The drug scene is as much a product of alternative (criminal) markets as drug dependancy is a way of making money and supporting gangland economies. Pit bull terriers, like knives, become necessaries for those living up against the criminal element, willingly or unwillingly.

    At the end of my postgrad years I had to sign on, but immediately got a temporary job for three months. When that ended I signed on again to find I couldn't get benefit for several months because of a rule I wasn't told about. I should have completed a process before I took that first temporary job. I was directed to a book on the market on how to beat social services which showed me this was a scam. I went to appeal, they tried to dissuade me, then offered me half - I insisted on appeal, and they gave in and gave me all my entitlements.

    During the last recession, early 90s, I was made redundant, and immediately found I was being denied paperwork I needed for my mortgage insurer. Prepared by previous insight I immediately made a formal complaint, and the misleading actions were stopped and I was told (probably didn't happen) the person responsible was disciplined - didn't mean she was removed. Had I not stood up to this I would have lost the insurance cover and been very much worse off.

    The DHSS functions to kick the losers in society. Most DHSS staff came into the job off the dole anyway, most have a grievance against society. They deliberately give false information to new claimants to teach them what scroungers deserve (apparently it was done to them so they dole it out same way).

    I'm sure a lot of the difficulties people on the spectrum experience with DHSS/Job Centres etc is down to delibrate misinformation. Social services seem to attract nasty spiteful and dishonest people.

    If you want to have a go at criminality start with Social Services. I think a lot of the bad attitude we see around us is down to people feeling "done down" and for many people in those circumstances they feel "done down" by the State, usually their first experiences being out of work and screwed by the DHSS.

    A lot of the noise and other discomfort factors you describe are down to sensory sensitivity and sensory overload (apparently not an autism issue as it is not covered by the triad of impairments).

    NTs seem mostly to be quite at ease with the noise, but react to intimidating environments, like hoodies (young people especially who always have hoods on), or groups of youngg people, who they perceive rightly or wrongly as a threat.

    I don't know the answer to the sensory overload issues as the powers that be, including NAS, don't seem to see a need to help us with it.

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