What were you like as a child?

Have you changed much? Not just in appearence but your personality at well, food preferences?

I haven't changed much. Lol. I'm still little, still childish, still spooked by adults and strangers. I still like toys. I look youthful, like I'm in my early teens still. Food wise I'm still like a kid I like all the sweet stuff.

I'm in my twenties now but honestly I am still like I was when I was a kid just I don't go to school now.

  • Well, I'm 61, so a massive gap since childhood compared to you.

    However, I am still on the outside looking in, as I was then.

    I still prefer my own company to that of others but if I do have friends, it's one or two, as it was then.

    I still blush, even now, which annoys and and amazes me.

    I still find insects as fascinating now as I did when I was I was small and therefore my eyes were closer physically to them.

    Happiest in a quiet space with a book, as I was then, but now I actually have those spaces available.

    Still very fussy with food but whereas then I would occasionally eat meat, the occasions nowadays are many months apart, and consist only of free range beef minced and free range bacon frazzled, usually eaten to please another cook.

    My main foodstuffs are unfortunately beige carbs, as was the case then.

    What I'd liked to have retained but couldn't once middle age set in, is my thinness.

    Nice thread idea.

    Thank you.

  • I still blush, it's so irritating! I think that if you are bald and what hair you have is mostly white, like me, blushing and pimples should not still be happening.

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