What was your last purchase?

The last thing I bought was Firestarter by Stephen King. I'm an avid reader and have been reading and collecting King's books for about five years, and so far none have disappointed so I'm looking forward to reading it. I bought it on eBay for £5 so very reasonable for a second hand copy.

Another thing I purchased recently was a Kiss LP (The Elder), which should hopefully be delivered sometime this week if Royal Mail don't lose it - they keep losing my orders!!!

  • Payday. So... heating oil (as little as I can get away with) and this...

  • I hope you didn't fall for the Boilerjooce false advertising like I did. (Identity altered to protect the guilty)

    Apparently their T&C's allow them to charge 35 quid for NOT delivering my oil or letting me know there was an (imaginary, pretend, "covfefe") issue that no one saw fit to advise me of, so they just didn't bother.. 

    It seems they only identify  as a fuel oil supplier, but cannot deliver past offering a superficial facade of fuel deliverability...

    Now I'm back to "hating on dishonesty" and false claims. It's really getting hard to actually spend your money and get what you might expect. The general societal deterioation that I've been observing since the 1960's seems to be gathering pace. BAH. 

  • Or, perhaps, Britain is a nation which had a romantic view of Kleptomaniacs. 

    In Ireland, theft is considered a Mortal Sin. Guess we're more trustworthy. 

  • I'm talking about us Culchies. Wink

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