My Guilty Pleasure

Way back in 2013, my mother started asking me if I had seen a particular programme on Channel 4. I kept being told that I simply HAD to watch it because it was absolutely hilarious. Her description of it caused me to think it sounded rather ghastly. "It features people watching TV and commenting on what they have seen. Some of the things they say are priceless!" 

As I've never understood the appeal of people watching YouTube videos of people playing video games, I was struggling to understand what could possibly be so enjoyable and entertaining about this programme that my mother kept talking about. If you haven't already guessed, the programme was Gogglebox

Eventually, I decided to watch it. My mother had spent weeks telling me about the antics of the 'posh couple' who always appeared to be in an inebriated state, so I figured that I had to at least find out for myself what all the ridiculous hype was about. Well, I was hooked. 

Yes, my guilty pleasure (one of them) is watching Gogglebox

Do you have any guilty pleasures that you care to share? - Please keep it clean folks!

  • I love Cogglebox, another 5 years and my wife and I will be Giles and Mary, I can mimic Giles’s voice easily, I often call my wife “Nutty” the only person that really annoys me is the father in the Malone family, his feet are always on the coffee table about 6 inches from the cakes.

  • I love Cogglebox, another 5 years and my wife and I will be Giles and Mary, I can mimic Giles’s voice easily, I often call my wife “Nutty” the only person that really annoys me is the father in the Malone family, his feet are always on the coffee table about 6 inches from the cakes.

  • I always feel envious when I see the plate of cakes on that table. If I was in the habit of regularly treating myself to such edible luxuries, I wouldn't even bother putting them on a plate as the whole lot would probably get eaten within the first 5 minutes. Laughing