"Autism friendly cinemas"

hi everyone, i'm a student with aspergers, i noticed that my local cinema in Paignton,Devon "the apollo" does special Autism friendly film screenings of films, for these they offer

  • brighter but softer lighting during the film
  • more spacing between seats
  • no pre film adverts
  • lowered surrond sound volume

personally, i'm not so heavily affected by my aspergers that i require this, but it does sound like a useful thing. just thought i'd post about this here to pick peoples brains about what they think of this service and similar ones provided elsewhere

  • I'm sure I made a rant about this - because it only caters for some people - such as the lights. I'm fine with the lights in "normal" cinema screenings. It's the volume that bothers me. Even with ear plugs in.

  • I'm sure I made a rant about this - because it only caters for some people - such as the lights. I'm fine with the lights in "normal" cinema screenings. It's the volume that bothers me. Even with ear plugs in.

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