
  1. a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
    "he succumbed to ennui and despair"

    Why do i want to give up on life?  On the face of things i am a clever, loved and popular man.  But it's never enough.  My intellectual stridency means there will always be those who loathe, fear and envy me.

    So much of life is just keeping yourself occupied and busy i think. I am the very opposite of  occupied and busy. My thoughts occupy me.  Make no mistake about it, this Autism is something to cope with at best. At least for me. Some others can cope but i'm not coping at all well.

    I don't know what anyone can say to this.  Any thoughts are appreciated! Perhaps you have felt the same?

    P.S this was meant to go in the Mental Health section
  • So much of life is just keeping yourself occupied and busy i think. I am the very opposite of  occupied and busy. My thoughts occupy me.

    Are you not occupied and busy because you don’t work or are retired? Or are you not occupied and busy because your thoughts are too overwhelming to be able to do anything else? 

    I know I’ve found it easier when I am busy. But the last few years that doesn’t seem to work as well as it did. Now I seem to be dealing with very long periods of burn out, or when I do find the energy to be busy it’s only a matter of a few days before mentally starting to struggle. 

  • So much of life is just keeping yourself occupied and busy i think. I am the very opposite of  occupied and busy. My thoughts occupy me.

    Are you not occupied and busy because you don’t work or are retired? Or are you not occupied and busy because your thoughts are too overwhelming to be able to do anything else? 

    I know I’ve found it easier when I am busy. But the last few years that doesn’t seem to work as well as it did. Now I seem to be dealing with very long periods of burn out, or when I do find the energy to be busy it’s only a matter of a few days before mentally starting to struggle. 
