Food choices

Are you able to eat anything now that you couldn’t as a child?

I didn’t think I had any food issues until I realised I was Autistic in 2019, and subsequently went through my existence with a fine toothed comb.

My sensory issues don’t stop me eating anything specific as such. It’s more of the case I avoid certain things, and I can, because I cook for myself as my children have flown the nest. I had a little think just now, and I still avoid the things I did as a child. Do you? 

  • I think I actually eat less now than when I was a child. Thinking

    I didn't like different foods but the foods I did like I ate all the time growing up. I had a good varied diet then. I don't eat so much now... I have Lupus and my digestive system is constantly inflamed and causes me pain and stomach upset... so I keep to a basic diet of not a lot. Just the basic boring stuff so I don't get too much inflammation.

  • I think I actually eat less now than when I was a child. Thinking

    I didn't like different foods but the foods I did like I ate all the time growing up. I had a good varied diet then. I don't eat so much now... I have Lupus and my digestive system is constantly inflamed and causes me pain and stomach upset... so I keep to a basic diet of not a lot. Just the basic boring stuff so I don't get too much inflammation.

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