Food choices

Are you able to eat anything now that you couldn’t as a child?

I didn’t think I had any food issues until I realised I was Autistic in 2019, and subsequently went through my existence with a fine toothed comb.

My sensory issues don’t stop me eating anything specific as such. It’s more of the case I avoid certain things, and I can, because I cook for myself as my children have flown the nest. I had a little think just now, and I still avoid the things I did as a child. Do you? 

  • Yep- I was quite fussy at a child, though at some points in my adult life I was even more restrictive in terms of variety... living off only a handful of the same foods for months... A lot of the foods that I struggled with as a child I still struggle with now though I improved in some ways... One of the things I cannot cope with at all is soft bread...As a kid i did not eat bread at all, then only things like the crust of a baguette, now I can have bread if it is toasted, or bread rolls with a crunchy outside... Also cheese was a complete NO for me ... I still can't cope with it though I was able to have mozzarella for a while... I'm fussy about lots of other things too, taste texture etc. Also as I child I really struggled with creamy sauces and sauces in general (though for some reason curry was always ok...), not much has changed... 

    The other day though I was surprised at myself as I had a ready meal with lots of foods in it that I never thought I could deal with but I actually liked it! (it was a mexican chili with beef, beans, rice with sweet corn etc. it had loads of foods that i would usually not go near but I liked it surprisingly...) 

    I am trying to diversify my diet at the moment due to health reasons and I have been pleasantly surprised sometimes when trying new things... 

  • That’s great. I think trying new things is a good move. It can really change mealtimes for the better. 
    Luckily, my diet is very varied, although I do sometimes get lazy and make the same type of meals for a week or two before regaining my cooking mojo again! I think I’m more into baking at the moment! Cake 

  • That’s great. I think trying new things is a good move. It can really change mealtimes for the better. 
    Luckily, my diet is very varied, although I do sometimes get lazy and make the same type of meals for a week or two before regaining my cooking mojo again! I think I’m more into baking at the moment! Cake 

  • I do cook from scratch about 4-5 days a week. It is a struggle, but if I don’t eat I feel even worse. And because I work out, I need the fuel. I find if I plan it, I will make it. But cooking means I have no energy for anything else Rolling eyes.  Baking relaxes me, and the end result is pretty tasty lol. I make simple things,  various cakes (only vegan now so my daughter can enjoy them too). Madeira, lemon drizzle, banana, banana and chocolate, Romanian apple pie, crumbles, muffins…fruit or cheese scones etc. I live alone so I don’t bake as much as I used to when I had a family, because there’s no one to eat it lol.

  • What do you like to bake? :) that’s amazing :) 

  • I’m trying- I am not cooking at the moment and am turning into the expert of healthy ready meals but for me this is a huge improvement- I spent over 6 months living off whole grain rolls, eggs, apples and carrots only... I go through phases of only eating the same foods over and over. 

    It is so impressive that you are cooking! I used to cook a lot with my mum when younger but none of those recipes are practical or agree with me and I have no energy for cooking at present. It is great that the UK really makes life easier in terms of healthy convenience options- it’s not at all like that in Germany or in Luxembourg- there are very few options there, especially in Germany.