Things that don't seem right

I ordered lemon shower gel recently on my online shopping and it was substituted with Mango. When I started using it the smell made me think of eating/ drinking. I am used to lemon perfume in cleaning products but this didn't make me think of a cleansing product. Are there things other people think are not quite right?

  • I use fruity smelling shampoo to wash my hair and body which remind me of how chewits smelt as a child.  I looked at the ingredients in some things that are marketed as shampoos/body washes/hand washes to see some have the exact same ingredients.  Finding this out years ago made me use shampoo to wash my hands and body, as a bathroom cleaner and many other things.  This was a great  realisation for me because any shampoos I suddenly develop an allergy to become my bathroom cleaner.  I also make my own cleaners from vodka and essential oils which works so much better for me than some cleaners that give me headaches.  I also own a steam cleaner which I use when I can be bothered setting it up for a hardcore deep clean.

    Due to my heightened senses:

    I hate the smell and taste of tinned sweetcorn but can tolerate frozen sweetcorn and love corn on the cob.  I love fresh broccoli because the texture is wonderful but frozen has a strange texture to me although I can eat it.  The pleasure of eating it changes a lot from this though.

    I can eat organic fruits and veggies but some non organic ones make my mouth itch and become fiery.  I suspect it's the chemicals they are sprayed with because often I can taste chemicals on the skins of even my organic fruits and veggies.  It's so annoying because organic is more expensive but luckily I don't buy meat anymore so that cuts my grocery list down considerably.  I do thoroughly wash all my veggies and fruits so the chemical taste is less intense....

    I love all animals yet I get blisters on my hands if I touch them.  I can pet kittens without a reaction but not adult cats and I can touch some lurchers without a reaction.  I'm perplexed as to why this is.  It's a pain because I can't visit friends who have pets because I start to get itchy in my throat and my breathing is strained this is without touching their pets.  I seem to be okay outdoors though.  Bizarre I know.

    I seem to be very sensitive to sugar.  I stopped drinking in my 20s because any amount/type of alcohol made me have a hangover for easily a week.  Even one glass of something.  I recently noticed my mood was all over the place if I'd eaten anything with sugar except fruits.  I gave up sugar two months ago and despite the occasional blip in my mood, I am a different person moodwise.  It's astonishing.  It's really tough because sugar is in even "healthy" snacks but I feel much better for it and that's what counts.

  • I find it interesting that you don't have a reaction to touching kittens, but do if you touch adult cats.

    When I was aged 11, an aunt arranged for me to have a horse-riding lesson, which I thoroughly enjoyed. After the lesson had ended I developed a migraine but didn't think anything of it until after I'd had a few more lessons, which always resulted in vile migraines.

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    I think it's because little kitties don't groom themselves yet and their fur is different somehow.....

    I love horses and horse riding but even if I wear gloves, the act of taking them off when I get home gives me blisters and my breathing is harder being around them.  

    Migraines are awful! I wonder if it's a breathing thing that causes them or a movement thing?

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    I think it's because little kitties don't groom themselves yet and their fur is different somehow.....

    I love horses and horse riding but even if I wear gloves, the act of taking them off when I get home gives me blisters and my breathing is harder being around them.  

    Migraines are awful! I wonder if it's a breathing thing that causes them or a movement thing?

  • Former Member

    I have the same issue with Lush. I am thankful that my closest store is at an out-of-town shopping complex that I seldom visit. The combination of all those fragrances wafting out of the store is absolutely revolting, and I can only assume that the employees have absolutely no sense of smell. 

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    Ahhh I see.  I'm the same with "lush."  I can smell it when I'm yards away from it.  I can't go into the shop because it's too overwhelming.  It's the same with the washing aisle in supermarkets where I can feel sick but am lucky in that I don't get a headache unless forced to stay there and smell everything which my daughter likes to do.... Barf!!!

  • I believe the migraines I experienced after my horse riding lessons were a reaction to the smell of the horses. I have a cousin that owns a horse, and she had asked me on one occasion if I would like to accompany her to the stables to meet it. I didn't feel I could decline the invitation. As soon as I walked inside the stables, I found the smell so overpowering that it instantly triggered a migraine.