Autistic and Christian

Is there anybody out there who feels they so much want to fit in with everyone else but struggles to at church.  Does your church open and understand your autism.  What can we do to change struggles we have in a busy church environment?  Autism christian bible study groups etc?  I am thinking at random.  What are your thoughts and what are your struggles? 

  • For me the hardest part was always when they tea abd coffee afterwards and I was always the one left out.  This has happened in several different churches.  

    There's also the issue of institutional ableism.  A lot of theology is based on the idea that humans are broken and God will fix them, but it also says that desease and siffering are a result of the Fall, and most Christians I know would include any kind of disability in this.  Churches often see disabled people as something for God to fix.  And then if they pray and you don't become miraculously healed then it's because you don't have enough faith, or the right kind of faith.  

    Honestly, if people believe prayer really works, why don't they spend more time praying for things that really matter like equal rights or fixing the state of the NHS.

  • Absolutley! I hate how some Christians always make you feel that if theres something wrong with you or something broken about you that the only reason is cos you dont have enough faith for God to take it away.

    Also I find a lot of Christians seem to see autism as something bad to be cured rather than something of value to be accepted. When I found out I was autistic I went on the biggest Christian bookshop site in the country and there were only 3 books about autism and all of them were on how to cure it

    Thankfully my church isnt like that, there are autistic kids there and they seem quite accepting so far although I havnt told many people yet 

  • Absolutley! I hate how some Christians always make you feel that if theres something wrong with you or something broken about you that the only reason is cos you dont have enough faith for God to take it away.

    Also I find a lot of Christians seem to see autism as something bad to be cured rather than something of value to be accepted. When I found out I was autistic I went on the biggest Christian bookshop site in the country and there were only 3 books about autism and all of them were on how to cure it

    Thankfully my church isnt like that, there are autistic kids there and they seem quite accepting so far although I havnt told many people yet 

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