Friend Requests that arouse suspicion - Is it just me?

Several days ago, I found myself on the receiving end of a Friend Request from a new member, which immediately caused me to feel unnerved and suspicious.

I question if it's a generational thing, or if it's just me. At the time that I received this request, there had been no prior interaction on the forum between myself and this member. Furthermore, their member profile was completely blank. Therefore, I had no way of knowing if this person was on a similar wavelength to me, or if we had anything remotely in common.

  • I know exactly who this is. I did not respond to any messages or interactions to me, because the vibe was very much ‘off’.

    Whether they are up to no good, or simply don’t know how to interact with people in an appropriate manner I don’t know, but I felt best steering clear. 

  • I know exactly who this is. I did not respond to any messages or interactions to me, because the vibe was very much ‘off’.

    Whether they are up to no good, or simply don’t know how to interact with people in an appropriate manner I don’t know, but I felt best steering clear. 

  • You and me both Catlover.  Something very "off."

  • There is one person who appears in this thread, who I have interacted with on multiple occasions and believe to have even more trouble than I with establishing a reasonable communication. 

    I've tried quite hard myself, to get a bit of two way going, and it's been unusually difficult, and if I were a nervous person I'd find it a bit offputting, if I were inclined to be short tempered I'd find it annoying, but since I elicit those reactions in some people I'm doing my best to try and figure out if there's anything I can do to help them. 

    I am not doing well at that task, currently, and I've been tempted to ask other members for some help with this one person, but I thought it was only me being silly and that time would provide a solution. (that works way more often than you'd expect the "do nothing until you are sure what to do" approach to solving problems)