Can't sleep in a Hotel

Last night, I stayed in a Hotel in Belfast. The Room was like a Sauna, and I only got roughly 3 hours sleep; from 10:15 pm to 1:10 am. Then, I had to make alternative arrangements home; even having confusion as to where to place the key for the staff. In the end I took it to the wrong box, but I phoned them to let them know this afternoon.

To be honest, I could never stay in a Hotel; ever, again. It was just too awkward, and I didn't feel at ease. It's really for those who enjoy nights out. However, having said that, I'm glad that I went to the exhibition launch. Got chatting to a few of my friend's old sparring partners in the Art scene in the Nineties. One bloke, from Dundalk, who looked very like David Bowie. He chatted to my friend's sister.

But the hotel made things difficult.

  • I couldn't sleep in a hotel. It has be my bedroom in my cottage or I'll not sleep well at all. At home I know where everything is, every sound is familiar and I feel safe and secure. Away from home it's a step in to the unknown and I don't like that one bit.

    Good job though. It was hard but you did it all the same. Well done, that takes a lot of courage and strength to get through.

  • When I do I literally barricade the door with the extra bed..

  • I did stay at a Hotel in Manchester, five months ago, but I slept better.

  • Feel sorry to hear that. Hope you’ve found a way to overcome that. Actually, that’s why I can only stay at budget hotels near me [link removed by Moderator]. I hate expensive hotels because they are too perfect, which makes me feel anxious. Budget hotels make me feel I’m at home. So, I hope letting you know you’re not the only one suffering from such a problem will make you feel relieved. Actually, I know something else that could help you. You should create a strong association with your home through your senses. When I check into a hotel room, I always turn on the music that I often listen to at home. I also bring candles with special fragrances that make me feel I’m at home.

  • I had to have a night light. Also noise outside. 

  • I can't do hotels too many things are different. The pillows aren't right, duvet affects my skin and then there's too much noise. I never get any sleep in a hotel so try to avoid them if I can.

    I'm sorry your experience wasn't positive. I would have felt the exact same.

  • Hello 

    I can relate to this. Find it hard to sleep in hotels as in a strange place and afraid the alarm clock will fail. 

    I prefer to have a walk in shower. A couple months ago nearly fell in the shower, as was slippery. Now I place a towel in the bath/shower to grip.

    Passed two occasions forgot to take my medium size teddy bear, to cuddle. My small teddy bear keeps me company.

    I do miss hotels as they do everything for you.

  • i stayed at a premier inn one time... i found it ok, the beds were comfier than mine, doubles and obviously maintained where as my bed at home is a single and a very old one full of springs and all out of shape and the springs are poking through in places and theres bumps all over it... so yeah any bed other than my own will always give me a better night sleep and feel super luxurious to me and make me more rested than ever. i was willing to ignore the fact the sinks were broke and had dirt spewing up from them as the manager guy went at it with a plunger.

  • I'm the opposite, I can sleep in hotels with no problem.  But, at home I have great difficulty sleeping and usually wake up after 4 hours.

  • It was the heat, in my room, in spite of the evening still being warm.

    However, there was a positive. I spent the entire night awake without snacking. Smiley

  • I can’t ever sleep properly in a hotel, however plush. The pillows are a big problem, as are the floors Weary, and the noises and aircon….and sheets lol

  • I can totally understand this. I havnt stayed in a hotel since one night in Bournemouth in 2017 and even then I had a full on meltdownf from it. I think the change of soroundings is very difficult for us, especaily at night cos bed is like a safe place 

  • I'm sorry your experience wasn't a good one. I find when staying in other places that they have a negative effect on me. It's a new place, somewhere unfamiliar and it doesn't feel "right" to me. I've taken to taking familiar things with me if I stay elsewhere and that helps a little. But even so my own bed in my own room and home is where I'm truly happy and comfortable.

  • Sorry to hear you had a bad experience of your hotel stay. They can be strange environments because you're only there for one night and spend most of the time finding out how things work, then either come and go or take sanctuary there, only beginning to truly aclimatise just before the wee small hours, if at all. Then the next morning it's a case of rushing to be out before one inconveniences the cleaning staff/room service by running things close to checkout time. Never any real substitute for one's own bed