the NAS has no sting in its tail

I am an Autism Bee, I don't sting unless someone is destroying the flowers.

I would like a honest opinion of the NAS,, do they function correctly as a Autistic Organisation ?

I don't think so, they have no sting in the tail. When people with autism have major issues in there life, due to the system,, ie, education, courts, councils, health and all the other external proxies putting pressure on autistic children and adults,, the NAS is ineffectual and does not meet the needs of the autistic community.

Give you an example in my life.., the local authority in my area has no specialist adult autism assistance, no autism co-ordinator, non autism local strategy plan, my primary care is not under the autistic nice guidelines, the support workers are non-autistically trained, my GP knows nothing about Autism...

The NAS is a real letdown for the adult autistic community.

Any thoughts,, or is this just my own experience ?

PS ALEX ~ sorry I talk about these things, maybe goes against the brand & PR NAS.

  • Hi - I've noticed since I started coming on this site that contributors with Aspergers/HFA are vocal in their disappointment regarding how the nas represents their interests.  I think this needs to be taken on board by the charity + acted upon.  Perhaps the Board could devise a questionnaire, asking  those who visit the site to rank in order of importance what they think the nas should be campaiging on?  It would be interesting to hear the opinions of those who aren't autistic.  As an NT I find this site + the posts interesting + informative.  I especially learn from the contributions of autistic people.  So on it's own this site is worthwhile in my opinion.  My son was diagnosed in the mid 1980s - most people weren't on line.  You had to go to the library to find even 1 book on autism.  Some of these books were old + the theories discredited.  I found the nas address on a leaflet at our hospital.  That's what it was like then.  The nas helped us, including funding a weekend for parents with newly diagnosed children.  I was very appreciative of what they did for us.  My opinion is that the nas can only achieve what those with more power than them are willing to give.  Whatever the government of the day is, it's always the main culprit in all this.  All political parties support "popular causes".  That's where the votes are. There aren't enough votes/interest in autism at present.  So I suppose 1 of the jobs the nas must have as a priority is getting more action from the government during the worst economic crisis we've ever had.  The nas could also examine what it does with it's income.  If social services + the nhs give the nas money, they stipulate what that has to be spent on : eg - residential autistic services, supported living. I think the nas's hands are tied to some degree - all because of "he who pays the piper calls the tune" (money reference).  I do think the nas does a lot of good, especially with this site + providing educational + care services.  Like all the people on this site, there are so many gaps in services that many people do not get what they need or want.  Back to national government again.  But even then it's not all down to them.  Where there's a will there's a way + there's really no excuse after all these years for organisations such as care providers, social services, the nhs, etc, not to have done more than they have in some cases to make better provision.  As you can tell, I could go on for ages but will not as I'm sure lots of people will have their say.   These are just my general opinions.  I hope I don't cause any offence.  Best wishes to everyone

  • Hi - I've noticed since I started coming on this site that contributors with Aspergers/HFA are vocal in their disappointment regarding how the nas represents their interests.  I think this needs to be taken on board by the charity + acted upon.  Perhaps the Board could devise a questionnaire, asking  those who visit the site to rank in order of importance what they think the nas should be campaiging on?  It would be interesting to hear the opinions of those who aren't autistic.  As an NT I find this site + the posts interesting + informative.  I especially learn from the contributions of autistic people.  So on it's own this site is worthwhile in my opinion.  My son was diagnosed in the mid 1980s - most people weren't on line.  You had to go to the library to find even 1 book on autism.  Some of these books were old + the theories discredited.  I found the nas address on a leaflet at our hospital.  That's what it was like then.  The nas helped us, including funding a weekend for parents with newly diagnosed children.  I was very appreciative of what they did for us.  My opinion is that the nas can only achieve what those with more power than them are willing to give.  Whatever the government of the day is, it's always the main culprit in all this.  All political parties support "popular causes".  That's where the votes are. There aren't enough votes/interest in autism at present.  So I suppose 1 of the jobs the nas must have as a priority is getting more action from the government during the worst economic crisis we've ever had.  The nas could also examine what it does with it's income.  If social services + the nhs give the nas money, they stipulate what that has to be spent on : eg - residential autistic services, supported living. I think the nas's hands are tied to some degree - all because of "he who pays the piper calls the tune" (money reference).  I do think the nas does a lot of good, especially with this site + providing educational + care services.  Like all the people on this site, there are so many gaps in services that many people do not get what they need or want.  Back to national government again.  But even then it's not all down to them.  Where there's a will there's a way + there's really no excuse after all these years for organisations such as care providers, social services, the nhs, etc, not to have done more than they have in some cases to make better provision.  As you can tell, I could go on for ages but will not as I'm sure lots of people will have their say.   These are just my general opinions.  I hope I don't cause any offence.  Best wishes to everyone

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