Coping with hot weather

Does anyone else struggle with hot weather?

I find warm and hot weather really difficult to cope with and when it is like this I feel as though I can't do anything but try to survive until it cools down again. I am shut in the house with all the curtains drawn and windows closed. I open the windows for a while first thing in the morning to try and get the temperature inside to drop as much as possible, but as soon as the exterior temperature exceeds the interior temperature then I rush round and make sure all the windows are closed. In the winter I keep the thermostat at between 13 and 13.5 degrees C, and can't stand it warmer than that. Anything over 16 degrees C inside the house is a crisis for me. Right now it is 18.5 degrees inside and I can not function. I don't understand why other people seem to like it so much. 

I also struggle with sunlight, it is too bright and intense and I cannot stand the feeling of it on my skin. I am also scared of getting skin cancer. I do everything I can to avoid going out in it. I prefer cold, dark, grey, cloudy, misty days. Foggy weather is my favorite, when sounds are muffled and everything is grey and cool.

Am I alone or does anyone else feel like this? It is very isolating and restricting.

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  • I took my top off, put it in a jug of cold water, squeezed the excess water out and put it back on... it is really helping a lot.  It is cooling and doesn't feel as if I am wearing a wet top. I also wet a strip of fabric with cold water and put that round my head. Maybe it would help you too.