Driving License

Hi, I’m trying to renew my license as it expired and not sure what to put down in the your health section or even if I need to gov site says I do if it may effect my driving but what category does it come under as there is not a lot of info is it “severe learning disability” or “serious psychiatric illness or mental health” or do I just not put it down as I don’t want to be in a issue and be fined £1000. 

  • As far as I know, you have to inform the relevant authority if any condition adversely affects your ability to drive/drive safely. As autism is lifelong, you have always been autistic, even before a diagnosis. If you were a safe driver before diagnosis, the diagnosis will affect nothing; therefore you do not need to inform.

  • I had a huge rigmarole in 2017; simply to get my address changed. It took almost six months. Then, in 2020, Furloughing caused my renewal of the licence to be delayed until January 2021. However, nine months later, my address was changed post haste. Slight smile

    Third-Time lucky.

  • I had a huge rigmarole in 2017; simply to get my address changed. It took almost six months. Then, in 2020, Furloughing caused my renewal of the licence to be delayed until January 2021. However, nine months later, my address was changed post haste. Slight smile

    Third-Time lucky.

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