Driving License

Hi, I’m trying to renew my license as it expired and not sure what to put down in the your health section or even if I need to gov site says I do if it may effect my driving but what category does it come under as there is not a lot of info is it “severe learning disability” or “serious psychiatric illness or mental health” or do I just not put it down as I don’t want to be in a issue and be fined £1000. 

  • Hi. My understanding is with my ASD and severe anxiety depression disorders, I do not have to notify DVLA unless my doctor tells me I can’t. 

    I’ve had this paranoia business regarding this and that’s what my research came too 

  • Hi. My understanding is with my ASD and severe anxiety depression disorders, I do not have to notify DVLA unless my doctor tells me I can’t. 

    I’ve had this paranoia business regarding this and that’s what my research came too 

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