Christmas food/meals

What is everyone having for their Christmas dinner this year? I'm intrigued to see the variety Grin

Mine is going to be pigs in blankets, stuffing and a potato Potato (random I know) 

  • Warning️ Warning - Post contains graphic images of meat... ️Warning

    My family is part German, so we do Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On the continent there are a few countries that celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve... having said that we aren't doing an uber traditional Christmas eve...

    Christmas Eve: Indian Takeaway (my treat to parents).

    Christmas Day: Beef and all the trimmings.

    I was going to cookfor my parents tonight... Schweinhaxen, a traditional German dish of Pork Knucle (not as gross as it sounds... its a roasted ham hock) served with either dumplings or potato rosti (German equivalent of a large hash brown). But I did a trial and mum didn't like the smell of the pork that was still present in the kitchen the next day. It's a shame as I got the crackling spot on!!!

  • Tbf Germans get the best Christmas dinners my 1st ever child hood freind was German and there family were extremely good cooks.

  • My grandfather died in Germany in World War 2. Sad story.

  • Oh thank god! Lol. Tbf I did actually laugh, but then I cant pick up humour sometimes, so I thought if I write LOL it might be a bit insensitive... HAHAHA

  • It was a joke, sorry! I heard someone tell it and it got a very good reaction. Everyone assumes the grandad is British and died fighting... then you have the extremely awkward punchline!

  • That's quite unlucky! I remember when I was in Germany, there was a big kaffufle at the army camp... Turned out some of the squadies had gone to an Argentinian steakhouse on the anniversary of the sinking of the Belgrano... and put a model Belgrano in the fish tank...

  • So many stories. The one with my grandfather was quite unusual though. He got drunk one night and fell off the guard tower at a concentration camp.

  • I will add, my German great-grandad got his friend to shoot him in the shoulder so he didn't have to fight as he didn't believe in it, we were eastern Germans, on the Polish border (which kept moving). Literally desperate times. His daughter, my grandmother then went on to work in an English army camp and married the quartermaster. 

  • I will add, my German great-grandad got his friend to shoot him in the shoulder so he didn't have to fight as he didn't believe in it, we were eastern Germans, on the Polish border (which kept moving). Literally desperate times. His daughter, my grandmother then went on to work in an English army camp and married the quartermaster. 
