Christmas food/meals

What is everyone having for their Christmas dinner this year? I'm intrigued to see the variety Grin

Mine is going to be pigs in blankets, stuffing and a potato Potato (random I know) 

  • Warning️ Warning - Post contains graphic images of meat... ️Warning

    My family is part German, so we do Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On the continent there are a few countries that celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve... having said that we aren't doing an uber traditional Christmas eve...

    Christmas Eve: Indian Takeaway (my treat to parents).

    Christmas Day: Beef and all the trimmings.

    I was going to cookfor my parents tonight... Schweinhaxen, a traditional German dish of Pork Knucle (not as gross as it sounds... its a roasted ham hock) served with either dumplings or potato rosti (German equivalent of a large hash brown). But I did a trial and mum didn't like the smell of the pork that was still present in the kitchen the next day. It's a shame as I got the crackling spot on!!!

  • I'm coming round to yours for Christmas!! That looks yum!!! :-)

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  • I was visualising an autistic satire where you have the two faces of Christmas.  Taking the pi** out of our quirks.  One side would be where everyone laughs and smiles and engages with masks on, like what we do to keep up with the Joneses.  The other could be where all the lights/decorations/music disappears when the masks are removed and everyone starts a discussion about how much they hate Christmas except they are all stimming/ not looking at each other/people are interrupting each other and people are interjecting with random stuff that is offensive.  That would make my day. :-) :-) :-)

  • I am cooking the Cockerel this year on the BBQ for exactly this reason!

  • I REALLY enjoy cooking, especially BBQs! :-) I'm a summer baby so for years my bdays were BBQs (each one was themed: greek, German American etc) until we ran out of themes and my mates moved away.

    The problem is I always seem to get distracted when it comes to the washing up.... Upside down 

    We should try organise a little forum get together around Christmas next year, provided covid finally does one!

    We can call the event: An autistic Christmas... loads of food and music but no lights and decorations.... haha

    I'd imagine there would be plenty of interesting 'debates' (I won't say arguments) around the dinner table...

    For a few years we did the turkey on the BBQ... Learnt it off some aussie neighbours on the army camp in Germany. Frees up oven space. :-)