Banned from Twitter again

Honestly! I've now been banned for criticising the notorious murderer who is in the news right now. I didn't realise we weren't allowed to criticise murderers who have been convicted of grossly disgusting crimes!

  • I hate social media, it is so full of poisoinus people. For me it is the ultimate sensory overload. Instagram is the only one thats ok cos I can fill it with nice pictures.
    There are some horrible people on Twitter. Im sorry you got banned, its not fair 

  • I hate social media, it is so full of poisoinus people. For me it is the ultimate sensory overload. Instagram is the only one thats ok cos I can fill it with nice pictures.
    There are some horrible people on Twitter. Im sorry you got banned, its not fair 

  • Thanks Billy, I am unbanned now because I complained.

    I can cope on Twitter now because I follow the #KindnessTrain which was set up to attract kind people to interact. It is the best experience on Twitter I've ever had. I have a private account which limits the trolls. And anyway I just block people immediately now if they are nasty, I don't get into an argument.

    I don't like Instagram because it just seems full of people posing naked and showing off their bodies Joy Not saying you do that!