Training colleagues at your workplace

There is many things NTs do that make me say to myself silently ‘’Why? Why do I have to put up with this?’’ I managed to develop sort of solutions to some. It’s hard to say if they finally get it, but I consider it a win if they stop doing it. My solutions usually take form of a joke-comment-statement.

One of those things is saying ‘’Sorry’’ all the time, especially when they want to pass and you would expect ‘’Excuse me’’, or ‘’Excuse me, may I pass?’’.

I say to that: ‘’Why? What have you done? Have you got a guilty conscience? Because if you do, I am not really authorised to give you absolution and you should find yourself a priest. But if you don’t, you don’t want to be a sorry person’’. I make short breaks after every sentence as if to give them a chance to interject. They never do, and when I finish, I am rewarded with their regular response The Furious Blinking Response.

Next time it happens I say: ‘’Why? Did you do it again?’’. That is the only time when regular response does not happen, they tend to blush instead and run. 3rd time rarely happen, after all they capable of learning.

Just to add some humour, we need that a lot, don't we?

6 weeks with no job, I miss it

Redacted the title

  • Hi Mariusz, there's an increasing awareness that the terms “neurodiverse” and “neurotypical” are too simplistic to describe the human brain.  Neither of these terms were coined by neuroscientists.  Neurotypical is a term invented by neurodiversity advocates to describe non-autistic people around about the same time as the person who first coined the term Neurodiverse (Singer in 1998), who never intended for it to be used to describe a particular condition.  Neuroscientists will tell you that there is no such thing as a typical brain.

    The danger of grouping people together based on traits is that we start to see them as the same, and treat them as the same. That's how injustice arises and horrific crimes against humanity are allowed to be perpetrated.  It's fun to belong to pretend to belong to a tribe and to celebrate togetherness. But the moment it becomes our reality, our identity, is the moment we loose our humanity by separating ourselves from the 'other'.

  • good point, I will stop using it. And I was only using it as a joke, because it doesn't make any sense like you said 

    the terms “neurodiverse” and “neurotypical” are too simplistic to describe the human brain

    The way I see it is that we are all on the same sperctrum, ying and yiang of a whole mankind

Reply Children
  • There's no harm in using words as a frame of reference for our perception of the physical world. The harm starts when our perception of the physical world becomes the words. A tree can never be a tree. Tree is just a word. Words are like the pins that people use to spear beautiful butterflies, pinning them to a board for study. They take life and then make it lifeless. But the word butterfly on is own is beautiful. But it is only a word is not the thing.