Just got my Diagnosis

I just got an email to say "you do meet the criteria for Autism Spectrum Condition". I am so happy and relieved, this question has been hanging over me for so long and I am really glad to know that my instincts were right after all. I will be much more confident inside now and I am happy that I will be able to tell people, knowing that I'm not making it up, if I get into a tricky situation. Thank you to everyone in this community for all the interesting discussions, it made it much easier to cope with the wait after my referral. :)

  • I've just been diagnosed back in September.

    I am happier in myself and feel....  well free....

    My goal now is to educate people about autism starting with my family.  Some of my friends have been so great when I told them... a few of them said... doesn't surprise me.

    One person I told burst into tears and asked if I was going to get help...  I was so offended by that comment.  Her son is going through an asd diagnosis and she's always saying he will fail and won't be liked and there is so much wrong with him.  I couldn't disagree more...  I think he has a superpower that his peers don't possess, its just finding that super power and nurturing it.

    Anyway back to me, I'm proud I am autistic and now I want to meet others that are autistic like me.  I havent many friends and find it difficult talking to the neurotyoicals out there.   My pet hat is talking about the weather !!!

  • I've just been diagnosed back in September.

    I am happier in myself and feel....  well free....

    My goal now is to educate people about autism starting with my family.  Some of my friends have been so great when I told them... a few of them said... doesn't surprise me.

    One person I told burst into tears and asked if I was going to get help...  I was so offended by that comment.  Her son is going through an asd diagnosis and she's always saying he will fail and won't be liked and there is so much wrong with him.  I couldn't disagree more...  I think he has a superpower that his peers don't possess, its just finding that super power and nurturing it.

    Anyway back to me, I'm proud I am autistic and now I want to meet others that are autistic like me.  I havent many friends and find it difficult talking to the neurotyoicals out there.   My pet hat is talking about the weather !!!

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