Fanfiction and/or fiction

Do you generally read or write fiction and/or fanfiction?

I spend my life reading and writing stories of various types, and I wondered if this is normal for autistic people. I thought we were supposed to have very limited imaginations and interests and that was how we got diagnosed. But my imagination is vast, I tend to live in a fantasy world rather than the real world because it is nicer tbh!

What is your imagination like?

Parents Reply Children
  • That's great that you fill your life with as many flying things as you can!

    I know whenever flying sections happen in games I play I just get by aha, but it is very fun. I agree that you can definitely be born to have the mindset of a pilot

  • I love flying too, 

    I wanted to be a fighter pilot as a kid, but when I was teenager I found out about physical requirements, and the dream ended.

    but since then I played many flying simulater games and real plane simulater apps too a lot, I could do it better than any of my gaming buddies, I think you have to be born different to be good at it

  • I suppose with 3D it's how the film uses it, because I saw the last Hobbit film in IMAX 3D and it didn't really add to the film. But some films use 3D really well like the How to train your dragon movies, I always remember the flying scenes the most. They stand out so well in 3D