Fanfiction and/or fiction

Do you generally read or write fiction and/or fanfiction?

I spend my life reading and writing stories of various types, and I wondered if this is normal for autistic people. I thought we were supposed to have very limited imaginations and interests and that was how we got diagnosed. But my imagination is vast, I tend to live in a fantasy world rather than the real world because it is nicer tbh!

What is your imagination like?

  • I love writing, it has always been my dream to be a writer. I have a very vivid imagination, sometimes too viviid, so the steryotype of the limited imagination really bothers me 

    Nice to know you are the same

  • I love writing, it has always been my dream to be a writer. I have a very vivid imagination, sometimes too viviid, so the steryotype of the limited imagination really bothers me 

    Nice to know you are the same
