Fanfiction and/or fiction

Do you generally read or write fiction and/or fanfiction?

I spend my life reading and writing stories of various types, and I wondered if this is normal for autistic people. I thought we were supposed to have very limited imaginations and interests and that was how we got diagnosed. But my imagination is vast, I tend to live in a fantasy world rather than the real world because it is nicer tbh!

What is your imagination like?

  • Me too. Writing skills were a huge part of my working life for years. Fanfiction and fantasy aren't my thing and I think I live in the real world most of the time (who knows?) but I also have a pretty big imagination.  There's no Blue Print.  We're all different. Slight smile 

    I learned to write grammatically correct English at a very early age - but I couldn't articulate the rules of grammar.  I had a large vocabulary, and could deploy words with precision. I knew if something was wrong with a sentence, and I could correct it, but couldn't explain why.  I was always right, though. 

    It maddened an English teacher in my early teens. I was like a talented musician who plays by ear and can't read music. 

    I had to fix this for professional reasons, later, and I put myself thro an agonising self-teaching process (pre-YouTube) which required horrendous levels of self discipline.  Then I 'got it' and tipped the other way. I fear I may have spent a few years as a tedious grammar nerd, some time back in the 80s(!) 

  • I learned to write grammatically correct English at a very early age - but I couldn't articulate the rules of grammar

    I had that issue with math and physics until 3rd year at uni, solve equations - no problem, explain why usingf this method - no idea,  then some kind of switch flipped in my head and I can do it now.. 

    I do not know how I learnt polish grammar but it was never a p;roblem

    English grammar I had a book for basic grammar 20 years ago and that's it.

    build in grammar intuition ? all of us?

  • I learned to write grammatically correct English at a very early age - but I couldn't articulate the rules of grammar

    I had that issue with math and physics until 3rd year at uni, solve equations - no problem, explain why usingf this method - no idea,  then some kind of switch flipped in my head and I can do it now.. 

    I do not know how I learnt polish grammar but it was never a p;roblem

    English grammar I had a book for basic grammar 20 years ago and that's it.

    build in grammar intuition ? all of us?

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