Happy posts celebrating your Autism!

I would love to see or know what your favourite hobby is or even your super powers! 

I've really enjoyed reading your posts people! Keep them coming and sharing the love. And for those of you a little down today, we're all hear listening and hopefully sharing some love. 

Keep smiling! 

  • Things I love about my own life are my abilty to intuitively fix things, which has provided for me, and my ability to talk to many animals and somehow build little understandings.

    I like the fact that (whilst I may not alwasy enjoy the "feature") I can face most things square on, without having to hide behind dissimulation or retreating into someone else's pre-prepared fantasy, and when neccesary, I quickly take the correct actions without the fear that often paralyses NT's.  

  • Things I love about my own life are my abilty to intuitively fix things, which has provided for me, and my ability to talk to many animals and somehow build little understandings.

    I like the fact that (whilst I may not alwasy enjoy the "feature") I can face most things square on, without having to hide behind dissimulation or retreating into someone else's pre-prepared fantasy, and when neccesary, I quickly take the correct actions without the fear that often paralyses NT's.  

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