Who here has an autistic assistance/therapy animal?

Who here has an autistic assistance animal? Therapy animal, support animal or animal of any description that you find helps with your autism and in what way does the animal help you? 

  • Shitz tsu  dogs are the reverse.

    You are there to assist them,,,,,, like,  NOW ! 

    but they are worth it as a comedic companion in that will make u laugh.

    mine got me out of bed everyday by sitting on my face. Nothing gets you up quicker.  

  • haha they quite funny when they stay quiet

    my friend had one that loved to pretend he is a carpet, he looked like a carpet well enough to fool everybody first time :)

    but I love cats my first 7 years I spent in a house with 30 of them :) no stress ever, free coudles always

  • WOW 30 of them, sounds like heaven. Hopefully all went to the loo outdoors though! 

    Your dog story reminds me I bought a sheep skin dog bed that accidentally matched the colour of my toy poodle far too well, so now I can't see if she's in it or not sometimes. 

  • WOW 30 of them, sounds like heaven. Hopefully all went to the loo outdoors though! 

    Your dog story reminds me I bought a sheep skin dog bed that accidentally matched the colour of my toy poodle far too well, so now I can't see if she's in it or not sometimes. 
