If you have an NT asking how is to be autistic

I came up with sth to help them imagine it:

Try to imagine being dropped from helicopter into a sea during storm, blindfolded, without knowing the height. Then you hit the water, and while being shocked from not fully anticipated contact, your first thought is ‘’I can’t swim’’. Nonetheless, you start fighting for your life, throwing your arms around without skill, yet staying on top somehow. Then, you think, you can hear a familiar voice shouting ‘’Swim, you have to’’.

Hit the water is the moment when you turn 18, and realise the enormity of the task ahead.

Blindfold represents inability to read people correctly.

‘’Swim, you have to’’ is ‘’Act normal’’, something I was told as a child more often than anything else.

  • What I want to do now is asking random people how it is to be NT? Or simplified version: how it is like to be you?

  • The FUNNY thing here is that most psychoanalytical research and psychology is created for NT society. So, once I dove deep into philosophy and psychoanalysis, I had a read out for NTs and how they can easily become sociopathic or psychotic. But yes, I'd rather ask them direct, it's just you won't get an authentic response. 

  • Do NTs ever give an authentic response? They never give a straight answer a straight question. It annoys me that it's fashionable for people to say 'be authentic' 'be yourself', yet NTs never are. They are always trying to be someone else.

    Whereas autistic people are authentic, we say what we think and show our emotions, yet somehow that's not the type of authentic that society likes or wants! Rolling eyes 

  • Do NTs ever give an authentic response? They never give a straight answer a straight question. It annoys me that it's fashionable for people to say 'be authentic' 'be yourself', yet NTs never are. They are always trying to be someone else.

    Whereas autistic people are authentic, we say what we think and show our emotions, yet somehow that's not the type of authentic that society likes or wants! Rolling eyes 

  • Straight questions and direct answers. I used to get furious before I knew anything about these neurotypes! One of the last conversations I had with someone who I didn't realise was not actually a friend (she ghosted me after), was about this. Her response was that it was some form of competition. Which I thought was purely absurd. At the time I wanted to give others the benefit of the doubt as what if they were just incurably unintelligent! But goodness, it was remarkable how many people couldn't simply follow a basic sentence hahahahaha. I laugh at myself now. Sigh

  • Yes...annoying isn't it. Generally my logical, sensible statements make them laugh and I never know why. Shrug♀️ 

  • I try to amuse them. but most of my jokes receives Furious Blinking Response :P

  • Yes. If I ask a straight question, I want a straight answer. If someone asks me a straight question, I give them a straight answer.

    NTs don't like this. I don't know what else they are looking for. Some kind of ulterior motive? Which I don't have.

    And that 'be yourself' thing. You're only allowed to be yourself if you're an extrovert, loud, fun, popular. 

    If you're a quiet, studious introvert who doesn't amuse other people, you're not allowed to be yourself.

    And that is the end of my rant for the day! Wink 

  • so true. It puzzles me too, that is why questioning