If you have an NT asking how is to be autistic

I came up with sth to help them imagine it:

Try to imagine being dropped from helicopter into a sea during storm, blindfolded, without knowing the height. Then you hit the water, and while being shocked from not fully anticipated contact, your first thought is ‘’I can’t swim’’. Nonetheless, you start fighting for your life, throwing your arms around without skill, yet staying on top somehow. Then, you think, you can hear a familiar voice shouting ‘’Swim, you have to’’.

Hit the water is the moment when you turn 18, and realise the enormity of the task ahead.

Blindfold represents inability to read people correctly.

‘’Swim, you have to’’ is ‘’Act normal’’, something I was told as a child more often than anything else.

  • Okay, let me try again Slight smile

    • Imagine everything you understood, cared about, and were interested in was completely disregarded by everyone around you.
    • imagine no matter how many times you tried to explain something, nobody understood
    • imagine there are times that your body doesn't feel like your body
    • imagine that you had no control over your senses
    • imagine the environment around you is literally trying to destroy you in a multitude of subtle ways
    • Imagine when you tried to explain this, nobody believed you
  • Okay, let me try again Slight smile

    • Imagine everything you understood, cared about, and were interested in was completely disregarded by everyone around you.
    • imagine no matter how many times you tried to explain something, nobody understood
    • imagine there are times that your body doesn't feel like your body
    • imagine that you had no control over your senses
    • imagine the environment around you is literally trying to destroy you in a multitude of subtle ways
    • Imagine when you tried to explain this, nobody believed you