Is there a type of autistic person interested in words?

The stereotyped autistic person is obsessed with maths, science, technology, but I wondered if there is another type who is obsessed with words, correcting word mistakes, dictionaries, learning new words etc. A Word Nerd.

I am a proud Word Nerd, I have zero interest or skills in maths, science, technology. It is a reason I didn't even consider I was autistic until I was in my 40s/50s- I wasn't a computer geek, so I couldn't be autistic, could I?

What do you think?

  • I am a Maths geek and English has always been my weak point, until a couple of years ago when I signed up for a course in Functional English.  

    Since then I discovered metaphors, similes etc and my interest in words and language has awakened, my spelling has improved.

    At the initial assessment I was given a computerized English test.  I felt that I struggled very badly with the spelling and grammar.

    To my surprise, I was told I had recorded the record highest score at that centre for an initial assessment.  I didn't get a swelled head because I realised that the standard of the other trainees must be very very low.

    I took a photo of my test scores.

  • I always struggled with comprehension. Plus, my English Teacher from ages 11 to 14 was belittling.

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