Is there a type of autistic person interested in words?

The stereotyped autistic person is obsessed with maths, science, technology, but I wondered if there is another type who is obsessed with words, correcting word mistakes, dictionaries, learning new words etc. A Word Nerd.

I am a proud Word Nerd, I have zero interest or skills in maths, science, technology. It is a reason I didn't even consider I was autistic until I was in my 40s/50s- I wasn't a computer geek, so I couldn't be autistic, could I?

What do you think?

  • I have a word obsession as well. There is something called hyperlexia, which is a child's precocious ability to read sooner than normal, which some autistic people have.

    For me, I did learn to read early and easily. I read significantly faster than other people and spelling is something that comes automatically to me without effort. I remember at school when we were learning to spell, and having to do spelling tests, and I didn't understand why. To me, once you see a word you know how it's spelt, because the word has a "shape". I always got full marks on spelling tests and for a long time I never understood why people spelt things wrongly. It used to really annoy me.

    I remember one time when I was seeing a psychologist and I questioned something she had written, and she seemed shocked and said "you can read upside down?". I thought everyone could... because it's the same word, just rotated. You still recognise a triangle if it's upside down? But apparently most people can't, they struggle to see the letters and have to sound out the word backwards.

    When I was a teenager I became obsessed with etymology. I became very interested in Old English, and I've taught myself Latin. I really want to learn Sanskrit but struggling to find the time, but that's basically top of my list of things to do if I ever can quit my job.

    I see in my head the spelling of words whenever people are talking, and I watch everything with subtitles on because I want to see how people's names and places are spelt. Unfortunately in my experience the subtitles are wrong in every show, on every broadcaster and streaming service. I obsessively collected the examples of incorrect subtitles and used to send them to Netflix and Amazon Prime but they never responded or did anything about it. I still collect them anyway, I have a folder with over 1000 images.

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  • The same- writing is the only thing I'm good at.

    I've started many blogs but always lose interest and move on too quickly Joy 

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