What made you realise you have/might have autism?

Hey all, hope this is okay to post.

I’ve recently started to realise I may have autism - I originally thought it was ADHD but when I started looking at the crossover I realise that autism might be playing a role too!

I was just wondering what were the signs that originally made you realise you have/might have autism? Especially if you were diagnosed as an adult rather than as a child.

And a follow on question - looking back what did you do as a child that was likely due to autism? I want to get tested but seeing other peoples experiences I’m worried about the process - my memory is so rubbish I’m worried they’ll think I’m just wasting their time.

Thanks in advance! Yum

  • As I became more aware of needing to socialise with people, it felt like there was a big book on what to do socially; and I hadn't been given it to read, but everyone else had.

    Another analogy I use is the tutorial stage in a video game - I felt like my tutorial level had been skipped and I was in the middle of the game not knowing any of the controls or where to go or what I'm doing!

    I suppose a big sign was just how anxious I got over things that other people found easy to do. Like going to a supermarket, or group projects in school, or meeting up with friends in unfamiliar environments.

  • As I became more aware of needing to socialise with people, it felt like there was a big book on what to do socially; and I hadn't been given it to read, but everyone else had.

    Another analogy I use is the tutorial stage in a video game - I felt like my tutorial level had been skipped and I was in the middle of the game not knowing any of the controls or where to go or what I'm doing!

    I suppose a big sign was just how anxious I got over things that other people found easy to do. Like going to a supermarket, or group projects in school, or meeting up with friends in unfamiliar environments.

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