Feeling overstimulated and sensitive after exercise

Morning guys,

I've started going to the gym again only day two but the other day and today, I came out of the gym feeling quite overwhelmed, overstimulated and tired. I couldn't get home fast enough and I had to go to sleep to calm down and I feel better now but I can tell that I'm still quite sensitive to things going on around me.

I snapped at my dogs too when I came in because I couldn't handle it and now I feel bad because they were only happy to see me.

Does anyone else experience this?

  • Is it the fact that you're doing exercise, or is the gym environment? I usually always feel more happy and less stressed when I come back from exercise. Can you do a workout outdoors instead? I like to jog to a park and then try to do pullups on the football goal. I prefer it to the gym, especially in hot weather.

  • I think it’s a bit of both but I prefer the gym because I’m lifting weights I also don’t have a park like that near me the gym is more convenient hopefully it’ll just take some time to get used to then new routine it’s also because the gym was bought by another company and it all changed inside so I had to find my way around it again

  • How did you get on today, O?

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