Do you guys actually care about this?

  • From my observations, it's mostly 'high functioning' autistic people who have a problem with functioning labels. I can't help but feel it's from a privileged space of needing less help to 'function' and thus seeing autism as simply 'thinking' different rather than a condition that can be disabling. 

    This is why I kind of wish (controversial as it may be) that they never stopped separating out 'asperges' from 'autism' 

  • i don't understand. did people with aspergers not used to be autistic ?

  • Well the I understand it is that it was a different diagnosis to ‘classic autism’ people with an aspergers diagnosis weren’t entitled to same support either and they changed it 2013 to just Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) just to bridge the gap because they basically said because they think there is a lot of similarities between the two just make it one condition and everyone can get the same help

  • Yea. Don't get wrong impression though when i say i wish maybe they didn't separate them, I don't believe people with 'asperges' or 'high functioning' or 'level 1' or whatever should have to go without support. 

    So I do understand to some degree why there needed to be a change. But it seems we change language more than we actually change attitudes? 

    Although sometimes you have to change language before the attitude, but I don't know that it's necessarily working out that way.  

  • thanks Mr O. so, it's not the same thing then, but similar. and they only put them together so Aspies could get the same level of support. if this is the case, it's a bit unfair. because in my experience, aspies tend to dominate other autists and look down on us as lower than them. i wonder no if it was such a good idea. maybe it was wrong to put us both together.

  • thanks Mr O. so, it's not the same thing then, but similar. and they only put them together so Aspies could get the same level of support. if this is the case, it's a bit unfair. because in my experience, aspies tend to dominate other autists and look down on us as lower than them. i wonder no if it was such a good idea. maybe it was wrong to put us both together.

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