your thoughts would be much appreciated

Hi all, hope your keeping warm and dry today,sorry this is really long

     id really like your opinions on what to do, DS was diagnosed before Christmas with Aspergers, and it was now become blindingly obvious that my Husband and MiL have at least got strong aspie traits, we live in the same house as my MiL (have our on indoor space) and all outdoor space is hers, although we share sheds for stuff etc, its a very odd relationship we have, she is very obrupt and says it as it is,but we bump along ok.the day we came back off our honeymmon 20 yrs ago she told me it was her garden i could cut the grass that was it, and that is how its stayed, she comes in to our end of the house (only when we are not here) and cleans stuff, changes things she doesnt like,she has this thing about taking tea towels when ever she can get hold of them to boil,the best one is coming in when we are on holiday and taking husband and childrens washing and leaving mine,locks now sorted!!) her boundries are non existant our way but lives behind a locked door, and doesnt ever have visitors, or go out apart from work, we had the phone bill changed to my name because she wont talk on the phone to anyone she doesnt know. Anyway, I have pleaded with Husband to stand up to her and split the garden so we have our own space, if nothing else so that we have somethng to work on together, somewhere we can sit and relax and arrange how we like, but he wont as he doesnt want to upset his mum, this has been going on for years.

          I have M.S and have had to give up all the activities i used to enjoy, we live in the middle of nowhere, ideal for aspies!!, no passers by. I basically live with 3 aspies, and i cant do this any longer,My DD and I would leave for a more social house in a heart beat but the property is worded that its in her name and will be left to my Husband,even though they have bothe worked for it (complicated-farming family thing) i just feel like there is no point any more, i just cant pick myself up, im a very positive person usually and run my business from home (which involves chatting to people-my life line). but my world ends at my back door, i go out walk the dogs and come back in, thats it.any plants i put out around our end of the house get ripped out when im out, husband has told her not to but i doubt it will help. i love my husband but i cant do this any more, i feel like i live in half a marriage, he loves it here, nothing has changed in 20 years, nothing is likely to change in the next 20- fantastic as far as he is concerned.i am very aware i am running out of physical time to have our own space for me to deal with, i want it so much, husbands doesnt see why we need space to ourselves and his  reply was, im not putting a fence up it will only be up a couple of years and ill have to take it down again, as i wont cope. any suggestions,the only thing i can think of doing is to leave, i havent spoken to hubby for 3 weeks, i have nothing left to say , im shattered, and to be honest i dont think hes even noticed 

  • Thanks honey, you really got me thinking. We have an old caravan and a bit of waste land by the house so me an the likes have decided to make that into our little garden an do uhe the caravan inside so it can b a really nice quiet space for anyone hat needs it, I've told hubby that's what we are doing and he look of relief on his face that he didnt hav to confront his mother was huge, I think we may have some boundary issues but I'm going to talk to DH sister as MiL is going there for a feday says next week and hopefully she'll help explain. It,ll mean saving up to get a digger in but I'm hoping it will help, and I feel a bit stronger abotreasury ing this is my families space, enjoy yours. Hubby loves apple trees so think the 1st thing to get is a couple of those.Thanks again, seems so trivial I'm sure but I can't live as an aspire forever but hopefully I can live with one forever. Xxx

    Scorpion DS (dear son)

    Dd (dear daughter)

    Dh (dear husband)

    MiL (mother in law) xx

  • Thanks honey, you really got me thinking. We have an old caravan and a bit of waste land by the house so me an the likes have decided to make that into our little garden an do uhe the caravan inside so it can b a really nice quiet space for anyone hat needs it, I've told hubby that's what we are doing and he look of relief on his face that he didnt hav to confront his mother was huge, I think we may have some boundary issues but I'm going to talk to DH sister as MiL is going there for a feday says next week and hopefully she'll help explain. It,ll mean saving up to get a digger in but I'm hoping it will help, and I feel a bit stronger abotreasury ing this is my families space, enjoy yours. Hubby loves apple trees so think the 1st thing to get is a couple of those.Thanks again, seems so trivial I'm sure but I can't live as an aspire forever but hopefully I can live with one forever. Xxx

    Scorpion DS (dear son)

    Dd (dear daughter)

    Dh (dear husband)

    MiL (mother in law) xx

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