Masking: What is it?

I've come across the term 'masking' a few times, and I did a little google search. I'm still not sure I fully understand it.

  • I don't know if others have experienced this but after masking for a bit I can start to zone out more into my own mind and thought process and not be as aware of everything around me maybe even come across a bit ignorant or slow to respond to other people maybe even doing the odd job and later on reflection not even remember doing the odd job. Infact I often feel myself slow down mind and actions can be a common experience for me as well as feeling shattered.

  • I think you're describing a 'shutdown', or maybe a partial shutdown.

    When this happens to me I just appear to be lost in a daydream, or asleep with my eyes open. I've heard people saying "are you there?" "where are you Ben, speak to me", but they either get a grunted monosyllabic reply, or silence.

    I've never actually discussed it with anyone but have read that the cause is sensory overload, and I'm sure that's correct.  It's a safe place to be, but it does puzzle and perplex others. 


  • I've been told I go into a trance, always wondered why I do that, makes more sense now.

  • I can zone out in conversations, easily distracted.

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