Still Here

Oncologist says the chemo is working.    He says I might see 2022.       He then said that unfortunately, he's also said that to people who were dead 2 months later.    Nice.

  • What do you think of your life, as you look back on it? Of course you may be here for another 20 years so it may be too early, but I wondered about your opinion.

  • Hiya

    I definitely won't be here in 2 years - this cancer is always fatal and the chemo is the limiting factor - when my body gives up. I will die.   I will fight to the end.

    While not trying to 'big myself up', I have burned the candle at both ends.     I identify strongly with Roy Batty.     "I have done things you people would not believe!"

    I feel very, very cheated of the life I have worked so hard to create.    I've said before, I was months away from 'Life 2.0' and it's all been snatched away.

    I spent most of my life oblivious to how very different I was to everyone else - blindly performing technical miracles 'for the greater good' without any recognition - while actually being used and manipulated by those benefiting from my achievements.

    I remember every detail of my life - like looking at a huge array of photos.- It's frustrating to not be able to share the highlights and extremes with everyone..    

  • Never say never. I had a patient once who was riddled with bowel cancer spread to his liver, proven on excision biopsy. He sold up and went on a world cruise, went on some weird diet, finished the cruise, went on anothe selling all and was still OK. I saw him when admitted to hospital for tests after the cruises and there was NO EVIDENCE of his cancer!  Miracle or weird.....

  • Never say never. I had a patient once who was riddled with bowel cancer spread to his liver, proven on excision biopsy. He sold up and went on a world cruise, went on some weird diet, finished the cruise, went on anothe selling all and was still OK. I saw him when admitted to hospital for tests after the cruises and there was NO EVIDENCE of his cancer!  Miracle or weird.....

  • Yes, look at Stephen Hawking, he was only given 2 years or so and ended up living to a ripe old age!

  • Hi Dave

    I have a mass the size of my hand on the peritoneal wall - roughly where me left elbow touches my abdomen - there's lots of secondaries all along the transverse colon - like Christmas tree lights on the PET scan.  

    I have many pulmonary embolisms in both lungs.     

    They say it's currently inoperable but I'm getting a second opinion next week.     I'm up for anything weird or experimental - ideally to help me, but if it helps others, all the better.    

    I'm young, strong and I have the ability to power through adversity - they say that is an advantage.

    If, by some miracle, I survive another couple of years and the cancer is controlled enough, there is a very high-risk operation - with just a 50/50 survival rate - which will chop practically everything out - bowel, pancreas, perineal sack etc. - and hot chemo fluid is poured into the cavity - but I'm not convinced that 'living' after all that would be a life worth having.