Asperger’s and mental health issues


I’ve recently been diagnosed with aspergers type autism, I’m kind of trying to understand this and I’m getting there but what I’m really struggling with is something the specialist said in the session.

I discussed my past mental health issues with him and he mentioned this was a pattern he had seen lots of times before and that ‘it’s most likely all my mental health issues are because of the autism’.

This has made me so angry and I can’t seem to get past it, just wondering if any of you have had any similar experience/ would be able to reach out and discuss with me.


  • I wouldn't say ALL the mental health issues are caused by autism, and a good therapist shouldn't say that either (I would know I have seen many of them). I can totally understand why that would enrage you. It might help to know I was seeking counselling and help for my anxiety, depression, and all my aspie traits, for years before getting diagnosed at 31 and the only reason I got a diagnosis was because my therapist was smart enough to say, 'I think there's something else going on here and you should seek additional help'. She realised there was only so much help counselling alone could offer to deal with many of my anxieties which were often social/relational and processesing. There were also a whole fleet of issues that had nothing to do with my AS, like past abuse and narcissistic parents, which anyone would need therapy for regardless if they were NT or AS. Perhaps he was trying to comfort you that many if not all Aspies display mental health issues so you're not the only one... I don't see how that would make you feel better, but again, I'm Aspie (see how easy it is to draw the conclusion that AS is always why). Personally I would try to see someone else who has a more holistic approach and isn't so pejorative about ASD, ie can see you as a "person *with* autism" rather than "autistic person"- while it is helpful to belong and claim that identity completely free of shame, I find that the rest of who you are gets sucked into a title many don't understand or can't see past to get the whole mosaic of who you are.

    So yeah, mental health issues can be seen as the dark side of Aspergers (like, you know, most of our struggles), which is totally reasonable considering we live in a NT world which constantly triggers us. But that is not to say because you will always be AS means you will always have mental health problems, that's not true. Good therapy gives you new coping mechanisms, gives you new neuro-pathways (CBT), gives you healthier processing, including more ways to be self-empathetic and love who you are and that can combat anxiety and depression to no end!

  • Yeah I get what you are saying, it just feels as though a lot of what I’ve been though mental health wise could have been avoided 

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