Autism and school


My child suspected Autism and awaiting an assessment. I am agreeing to the test because I want what's best for my child and get all appropriate help. However, concerns from my child's teacher has got me quite concerned.

The teacher is saying my child uses high pitched voice, smiles non stop, irrated by other children, flaps hands, stares into space, knows very little words and dislikes sensory play.

The information she has given me is not true. I see my child play and develop each day and none of these traits are correct.

The reason for suspected autism is because my child has poor communication, my child has 90 single words. My child also has issues with solids food. 

I'm wondering does anyone know will I be listened too if they write a report such as this and I disagree. Maybe they won't write a report such as that, but I just want a fair assessment 

  • The things the teacher reports are all autism traits, plus the lack of vocabulary.  The lack of spoken words must not be taken as a lack of understanding of other words, your child may have an understanding of thousands of words, autism may simply mean your child is unable to use them in speech.

    Autism is not something to be ashamed of any more than having a physical problem would be anything to be ashamed of.  It is simply how your child is.  No one would be diagnosed on the offchance, there are strict criteria that are applied to the diagnosis.  The diagnosis should open up areas that require understanding and help.  If diagnosed you will need to study the report and any recommendations carefully.  And have faith in the professionals involved.  Your child will still be the same person.

  • I don't know how old your child is so I'm unsure whether having 90 words in their vocabulary is a significant difference to others their age. I am assuming that Speech and Language Therapy has been accessed? I know that if there is a physical problem with the shape of a child's mouth e.g. the roof of their mouth, this can affect speech and cause issues with solid foods. I'm sure you have explored this possibility but thought I would mention it just incase. 

  • All you can do if you decide to go ahead with an assessment is say that you have not witnessed any of these behaviours. I believe they will spend a period of time during the assessment observing your child and how they interact with others/play so they will see for themselves. The teachers report is only a part of it. 

  • I'm not arguing with you but as a parent I know my child doesn't do any of the traits she says. My child has been in many settings school, shops, supermarkets, restaurants, doctors, hospitals the list goes on and does none of these. If my child was I would be admitting to it and seeking help to suit these traits. I have been in school with my child and none of these traits where viewed.bviously if my child is autistic I'm not going to argue with it as I want the best help available as soon as possible. However, I want a fair true report written and not to be over exaccurated. 

  • Your child may be more uncomfortable/distressed/anxious at school (or pre-school) so display more severe or different behaviours. We are all more relaxed in our own home as there are fewer people and less sensory input. Even as an adult, my autistic traits and behaviours change depending on the situation. I am very good at masking in general and if we were to meet you probably wouldn't suspect I have Autism, however if I am extremely anxious or the place I'm in is very busy or loud, I will have a meltdown where I will cry, rock, lash out, hurt myself etc. It is as though I turn into a different person.

  • U are doing the right thing for ur child to succeed in life i acted different at home to school home was my comfort zone and i could talk constantly now school i couldnt interact with other kids didnt know how to make a conversation no one want to be friends with me was alone with no support from teachers they just said i needed to build up my confidence its a positive thing ur childs teacher is noticing traits the noises and hand flapping are called stimming is an autistic trait.

  • please believe your teacher. You and teacher are both reporting autism traits. Your child may be acting differently in school compared to eing at home with mum. 

    Everyone will listen to you. Even when u think thy are not listening to u they are because u are the main witness.