What is your favourite animal

I love dolphins(unconditional love), Deer(awareness and alert), Fox(Silence and intelligent) and the Horses(Strong, Fast and fly like the wind.) What is yours ?
  • Sloths, I saw one once at a zoo and thought what a relaxed creature it was, moving at its own speed rather than rushing about. 

    I have to admit though, if this quesion came up at a team building excercise at work or at a job interview in the form of "If you were an animal, what animal would you be?", I doubt if sloth would be an answer that the questioner would want to hear. 

  • Sloths, I saw one once at a zoo and thought what a relaxed creature it was, moving at its own speed rather than rushing about. 

    I have to admit though, if this quesion came up at a team building excercise at work or at a job interview in the form of "If you were an animal, what animal would you be?", I doubt if sloth would be an answer that the questioner would want to hear. 

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