Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • I hope everybody is having a nice day...

    A brief-ish introduction...

    I'm John, 39 years old, from Bury, Manchester. I've lived here - not entirely by choice - all my life. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 2010, after venturing a self-diagnosis of the same to a Neuro-Psychologist at Salford Royal Hospital. The Aspergers' diagnosis is the latest of a long line of afflictions I've had to deal with, following drug-resistant Crohn's Disease (diagnosed in 1996), four major operations and hypothyroidism and low testosterone which combined to send me into Hell for the better part of the last six years; thankfully, some deity has decided to give me a break for once, and I've made a measure of recovery. I continue to 'attack' the NHS to find a competent, intuitive doctor who can help my recovery proceed more quickly.

    Although I've been retired from work on medical grounds since 1997, I have managed to publish a few books (as writer and illustrator), the latter volume a few months ago, and am gearing up to launching an ongoing series of supernatural fictions concerning people who don't fit easily into modern day society (sound familiar? :), and also a series of illustrated books for children. My passion (obsession) is for art and writing, and over the past year I have been learning to play musical synthesisers. I enjoy writing songs, singing and acting. After suffering 16 years of torture living on an estate populated by drug-addicts and screaming children all hours of the day and night, I sold my house in 2009 and began rented privately, and now can enjoy a quiet, more solitary life. I'm single, not by choice, but them's the breaks for some of our kind, it seems. I'm described as a 'functional' Aspie, enough so that I would not be considered eccentric until unless people got to know me better. I can be incredibly stubborn about some things, but generally am very easy-going.

    I think that's enough gabbing for the time being! :)


    - John (Macmador)

  • I hope everybody is having a nice day...

    A brief-ish introduction...

    I'm John, 39 years old, from Bury, Manchester. I've lived here - not entirely by choice - all my life. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 2010, after venturing a self-diagnosis of the same to a Neuro-Psychologist at Salford Royal Hospital. The Aspergers' diagnosis is the latest of a long line of afflictions I've had to deal with, following drug-resistant Crohn's Disease (diagnosed in 1996), four major operations and hypothyroidism and low testosterone which combined to send me into Hell for the better part of the last six years; thankfully, some deity has decided to give me a break for once, and I've made a measure of recovery. I continue to 'attack' the NHS to find a competent, intuitive doctor who can help my recovery proceed more quickly.

    Although I've been retired from work on medical grounds since 1997, I have managed to publish a few books (as writer and illustrator), the latter volume a few months ago, and am gearing up to launching an ongoing series of supernatural fictions concerning people who don't fit easily into modern day society (sound familiar? :), and also a series of illustrated books for children. My passion (obsession) is for art and writing, and over the past year I have been learning to play musical synthesisers. I enjoy writing songs, singing and acting. After suffering 16 years of torture living on an estate populated by drug-addicts and screaming children all hours of the day and night, I sold my house in 2009 and began rented privately, and now can enjoy a quiet, more solitary life. I'm single, not by choice, but them's the breaks for some of our kind, it seems. I'm described as a 'functional' Aspie, enough so that I would not be considered eccentric until unless people got to know me better. I can be incredibly stubborn about some things, but generally am very easy-going.

    I think that's enough gabbing for the time being! :)


    - John (Macmador)

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