Are these emotions normal

Hi All who come across this,

life for my daughter hasn't changed as such due to the fact I had already adapted to who she is from gaining valuable insight into her just through observing the things she does however for me I seem to be going through a roller coaster of emotions since my princess was diagnosed asd only a week ago, I always believed my daughters hearing problems to be the reasons behind her special traits.

i feel like I've been told this and that's it your on your own, go get on with it, which is funny as I have brought my daughter up for years now, so is this a normal reaction as a parent to go through so many emotions, denial, loss, feelings of failure and plenty more.

i am so proud of my daughter she is a real inspiration to me and various other family members.

Any feedback would be great

have a great day everybody :-)

  • Hi

    Having lost my marriage by not accepting my son`s aspergers and then after seeing doctor`s being told actually I am on the spectrum I thought long and hard about his future.

    School is very hard - he so wants to fit in. But there is hope. I have worked with scientists for 20 yrs and I`m sure many are on the spectrum. This doesn`t stop them being succesful loving contributing adults and I think it`s so important to relate to your child.

    I experienced a lot of what my son is going through, was labelled bright but lazy, naughty, underachieving, doesn`t try to fit in etc etc. To put my thoughts to paper I wrote my son a poem.....I hope you like it: It`s called "I know"

    “I know”



    I know.

    I was once there too.  In the fog of my youth, at the start in the dew,

    You want to belong, have your place amongst peers,

    A place to feel normal, a place without fears,

    But some mock you, some tease, and some hurt you too,

    Would they really do this, oh if only they knew,


    For you do have a heart  - of gold, not of stone,

    So much Love and emotion, `neath soft flesh and bone,

    You try so hard to show it, and so to fit in,

    Oh how your soul hurts,

    Please stop this pain, light and din,


    Will it ever change, will you have that close friend?

    What will your journey be? Will this hurt mend?


    Hush, let me tell you, be proud of who you are,

    Hard as it seems now, I know you`ll go far,

    You have much light inside you, kindness and love,

    Like me you seek answers, high, low and above.


    So here`s what I found out, I hope it`s of use,

    At least bring you comfort, nothing obtuse…


    Real friends will find you,  you need but a few,

    Be true to yourself  - they`ll form up a queue,

    These real friends will support you, laugh, cry and persist,

    Stand strong beside you, as you tred life`s deep mist,


    They`ll laugh at your quirkiness, your interests and jokes,

    Laugh with you, never at you, and not all will be blokes,

    For girls are nice too, they see deeply inside,

    They`ll know the real you, there`ll be nowhere to hide,


    They`ll see your kindness, your soft gentle ways,

    And bond to your shy heart over many long days,

    They`ll cherish your loyalty,

    Your strength within,

    The little things you do, to show your giving,


    And when they`re bored of the macho strong boys,

    They`ll remember the true you and savour the joys,


    And when you look back on those first early years,

    All the pain, anger, struggle and all of those tears,

    You`ll see others went through it, you really were the same,

    Think then of me,  

    remember my name,


    Remember, I know,

     I really was once there too,

    In a much younger time,

     I really was you.


    Daddy x

  • Hi

    Having lost my marriage by not accepting my son`s aspergers and then after seeing doctor`s being told actually I am on the spectrum I thought long and hard about his future.

    School is very hard - he so wants to fit in. But there is hope. I have worked with scientists for 20 yrs and I`m sure many are on the spectrum. This doesn`t stop them being succesful loving contributing adults and I think it`s so important to relate to your child.

    I experienced a lot of what my son is going through, was labelled bright but lazy, naughty, underachieving, doesn`t try to fit in etc etc. To put my thoughts to paper I wrote my son a poem.....I hope you like it: It`s called "I know"

    “I know”



    I know.

    I was once there too.  In the fog of my youth, at the start in the dew,

    You want to belong, have your place amongst peers,

    A place to feel normal, a place without fears,

    But some mock you, some tease, and some hurt you too,

    Would they really do this, oh if only they knew,


    For you do have a heart  - of gold, not of stone,

    So much Love and emotion, `neath soft flesh and bone,

    You try so hard to show it, and so to fit in,

    Oh how your soul hurts,

    Please stop this pain, light and din,


    Will it ever change, will you have that close friend?

    What will your journey be? Will this hurt mend?


    Hush, let me tell you, be proud of who you are,

    Hard as it seems now, I know you`ll go far,

    You have much light inside you, kindness and love,

    Like me you seek answers, high, low and above.


    So here`s what I found out, I hope it`s of use,

    At least bring you comfort, nothing obtuse…


    Real friends will find you,  you need but a few,

    Be true to yourself  - they`ll form up a queue,

    These real friends will support you, laugh, cry and persist,

    Stand strong beside you, as you tred life`s deep mist,


    They`ll laugh at your quirkiness, your interests and jokes,

    Laugh with you, never at you, and not all will be blokes,

    For girls are nice too, they see deeply inside,

    They`ll know the real you, there`ll be nowhere to hide,


    They`ll see your kindness, your soft gentle ways,

    And bond to your shy heart over many long days,

    They`ll cherish your loyalty,

    Your strength within,

    The little things you do, to show your giving,


    And when they`re bored of the macho strong boys,

    They`ll remember the true you and savour the joys,


    And when you look back on those first early years,

    All the pain, anger, struggle and all of those tears,

    You`ll see others went through it, you really were the same,

    Think then of me,  

    remember my name,


    Remember, I know,

     I really was once there too,

    In a much younger time,

     I really was you.


    Daddy x

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