Any writers here ?

I have always wanted to be a writer yet I always procrastinate too much, I have about three books I have started, the beginning is written and so is the end.

I guess I just need to write the in between, its not that I find it hard, its just difficult to keep my attention span on my stories.

I did write a synopsis on the theory of the matrix and I sent it to Steven King, he must of read it as he left a cryptic message, which relates to the Lawnmower man movies.
I pretty much suggested and pointed out all the plots that linked it to the matrix and he confirmed that my ideas where right. Its kind of weird as I asked him for advice on stuff via twitter and he always reply's in general tweets. Which I can relate to but also it can be read as something else, its pretty strange yet fun. So he suggested three books which I have ordered and hopefully will find time to read to try and help me develop my stories. Id like to be published but even Mr King suggests these are different times and even he has difficulties, oh well I hope one day I can complete what I started. I procrastinate too much, I dont have it in me for a novel but short stories I think I can do.

  •  I teach creative writing in a university. I had two books published with Routledge. My advice would be to build up characters by doing mock interviews with them (there are lots of templates for this online) and then put your characters through the mill, pile on the pressure and put them through things. Plot and story tends to arise out the way your characters react to problems.

    You sound like you know what you want to write, so follow that. If you are 100% your own voice then people will want to read it. 

    One thing we can do in this community is see that the ASD way of setting the world (of the is a collective way) makes great stories. Its a bonus that we have this condition, I reckon. Any other creative people agree? 

  • Thanks for the advice, was really helpful and I'll try the mock interviews. Doing it online sounds like a good idea. Normally I just speak out loud pretending to be the characters but that makes me look and sound odd.

     Congratulations on having two books published. That's very impressive. You must be a very talented person.

  • Actually, I really like your idea of speaking out loud the characters, I might try that myself. What sort of stories are you doing? 

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