Is it wrong to download illegaly?


I just thought I would start this discussion to see what people think about illegal downloads....

I can honestly say I have never done it. Mainly for the fear of downloading a virus. From a moral perspective I am undecided.

I love music and love to collect CD's and records. If someone was never ever going to hear a beautiful peice of music in their life because they could not afford it would it be OK for them to download it illegaly? If they could never create something because they did not have some expensive software and therefore never fulfill there full potential would it be OK to illegall download the software? However where do you draw the line? Do you then just help yourself to someones possesions? Also what if the owner (software designer or artist) is really struggling to make a living? Should that influence your decision to download?

I am not a big fan of the consumer economy and culture but thats maybe another topic.


  • zone_tripper said:

    Theft is theft, no matter what you are stealing; medical drugs or music downloaded illegally.  Both are illegal acts, albeit through different acts of legislation.  

    And it is an unrealistic comparison to compare downloading music illegally with stealing drugs for a genuine medical emergency.  If someone stole some drugs because a family member was seriously ill, the courts would probably treat them sympathetically and give them a more lenient sentence.  However, considering the NHS offers prescription (subsidised medication) and free of charge to those on state benefits and considering the NHS provides free healthcare, I very much doubt anyone has a genuine reason for stealing medication.  

    This is just another lame attempt to morally justify the illegal downloading of somebody else's work, without paying them for it.  

    Hi Zone_tripper,

    I just want to make clear that I am not trying to convince you or anyone that illegal downloads are valid. I have never done it. I am really not trying to justify it. I do find the scenario intersting though and am just trying to form an informed opinion. I am really intersted in yours and everyone elses opinion.

    The 'life saving drugs scenario' wasn't meant to be a comparison with downloading music illegallly. I was just trying to establish where people draw the 'moral line'. It is only a hypothetical scenario. If i tried to make it 'real' I would have to research the global situation considering peoples access to medication, private/nationalised healthcare, incomes, disabilities and goodness knows what else.

    I wonder if the decission made by some poople when obtaining music is either:

    • a. Download for free.
    • b. Don't listen to it.

    Obviously there are other choices:

    • c. Buy it
    • d. Listen to it but not own it. (Gig, Club, Radio, Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud).

    I wonder what some Music artists would prefer if someone only considered options a. or b. ? It would be best to get the opinion from a music artist as I am unsure myself. People listening to music, playing to their friends, following you on FB all creates hype and gives you exposure however the music was obtained. With alot of hype and coverage advertisers/sponsors are going to be interested in you. I wouldn't exactly say I was a fan of adverts though. I do like to disect them though to see what they are trying to achieve or judge how succesful they might be. Some seem very naive, some funny, some offensive and some just stupid. they are all trying to manipulate though......Ok I am going well off the subject.

    ...and again zone_tripper, I really am not trying to justify downloading music illegaly.


  • zone_tripper said:

    Theft is theft, no matter what you are stealing; medical drugs or music downloaded illegally.  Both are illegal acts, albeit through different acts of legislation.  

    And it is an unrealistic comparison to compare downloading music illegally with stealing drugs for a genuine medical emergency.  If someone stole some drugs because a family member was seriously ill, the courts would probably treat them sympathetically and give them a more lenient sentence.  However, considering the NHS offers prescription (subsidised medication) and free of charge to those on state benefits and considering the NHS provides free healthcare, I very much doubt anyone has a genuine reason for stealing medication.  

    This is just another lame attempt to morally justify the illegal downloading of somebody else's work, without paying them for it.  

    Hi Zone_tripper,

    I just want to make clear that I am not trying to convince you or anyone that illegal downloads are valid. I have never done it. I am really not trying to justify it. I do find the scenario intersting though and am just trying to form an informed opinion. I am really intersted in yours and everyone elses opinion.

    The 'life saving drugs scenario' wasn't meant to be a comparison with downloading music illegallly. I was just trying to establish where people draw the 'moral line'. It is only a hypothetical scenario. If i tried to make it 'real' I would have to research the global situation considering peoples access to medication, private/nationalised healthcare, incomes, disabilities and goodness knows what else.

    I wonder if the decission made by some poople when obtaining music is either:

    • a. Download for free.
    • b. Don't listen to it.

    Obviously there are other choices:

    • c. Buy it
    • d. Listen to it but not own it. (Gig, Club, Radio, Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud).

    I wonder what some Music artists would prefer if someone only considered options a. or b. ? It would be best to get the opinion from a music artist as I am unsure myself. People listening to music, playing to their friends, following you on FB all creates hype and gives you exposure however the music was obtained. With alot of hype and coverage advertisers/sponsors are going to be interested in you. I wouldn't exactly say I was a fan of adverts though. I do like to disect them though to see what they are trying to achieve or judge how succesful they might be. Some seem very naive, some funny, some offensive and some just stupid. they are all trying to manipulate though......Ok I am going well off the subject.

    ...and again zone_tripper, I really am not trying to justify downloading music illegaly.


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