Top 10 SF movie favourites


What are your favourite SF movies ever?

Here are mine, in no particular order:

Moon. Directed by Duncan Jones, David Bowie's son

Blade Runner. The first one, that is, though I enjoyed the 2049 too. 

Brooding, noir. The book if anything is even better.

Logan' Run  Yes I know, an oldie. But it sticks in the mind. Time is short.

.........and never more so than with Never Let me Go. An idyllic boarding school is where the spare-part clones grow up 

Space Odyssey 2001. Yes I know computers evelved way beyond this stage

The Time Machine. Very innovative shooting for the, erm,  time. 

Alien. Despite all the prequels and sequels, this is still the absolute best

Quatermass and the Pit. Good and spooky.

Solaris The second one. How not to make first contact.

Ex Machina. Here, the CEO who plays Feletto really an absolute jerk, all said and done.

Agree or not? What are your favourites?

  • I am a big science fiction fan, but not of movies!

    I prefer books or tv series,  where there is plenty of time and opportunity to develop the plot and characters.

    I loved the 1950s and 60s books by Robert Heinlein.  Starship troopers was based on one of his books.  The book  takes itself more seriously.

    Isac Asimov's books are still a fresh read. 

    As a teenager I read hundreds of sci-fi books.

    In the 1970s I was obsessed with Blakes 7.

    Most recently I watched the whole series of Dark matter on dvd.

    I also have full dvd collections of :

    • Andromeda 
    • Buck Rodgers. (1980 version)
    • Firefly
    • Battlestar Gallactica 
    • Caprica 
    • Babylon five
    • Farscape 
    • Lexx
    • Avengers
  • Blake's 7 had some interesting characters. The meaner Avon was, the more female fan mail he received, is what I remember.

    Asimov wanted to downplay the Frankenstein fears of how dangerous an artificially intelligent robot might become, hence his three laws of robotics. Why do I get the tiniest suspicion the military might not care for that at all?

    Maybe the robots could fight bloody wars by proxy for humans. 

  • I have Blakes 7 on dvd.  And looking at it now, it really was the poor man's star trek.  The special effects are low budget ( I am being kind).  many of the alien planet environments, were just local quarries. 

    The best of Blakes 7 was the double episode, where they searched for Star One.  That included the speed chess scenes.  And, of course the FINAL Ending.  People are still talking about it.

  • I have Blakes 7 on dvd.  And looking at it now, it really was the poor man's star trek.  The special effects are low budget ( I am being kind).  many of the alien planet environments, were just local quarries. 

    The best of Blakes 7 was the double episode, where they searched for Star One.  That included the speed chess scenes.  And, of course the FINAL Ending.  People are still talking about it.

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