Top 10 SF movie favourites


What are your favourite SF movies ever?

Here are mine, in no particular order:

Moon. Directed by Duncan Jones, David Bowie's son

Blade Runner. The first one, that is, though I enjoyed the 2049 too. 

Brooding, noir. The book if anything is even better.

Logan' Run  Yes I know, an oldie. But it sticks in the mind. Time is short.

.........and never more so than with Never Let me Go. An idyllic boarding school is where the spare-part clones grow up 

Space Odyssey 2001. Yes I know computers evelved way beyond this stage

The Time Machine. Very innovative shooting for the, erm,  time. 

Alien. Despite all the prequels and sequels, this is still the absolute best

Quatermass and the Pit. Good and spooky.

Solaris The second one. How not to make first contact.

Ex Machina. Here, the CEO who plays Feletto really an absolute jerk, all said and done.

Agree or not? What are your favourites?

  • I generally seem to be disappointed by most sci-fi films

    but I love Ex Machina and Blade runner, I actually loved the 2049 one more though which I think most people would disagree with. 

    The Jurassic Park franchise is another favourite. I remember seeing the first on at the cinemas. That excludes the recent Jurassic world franchise though, they're not as good. Just barely watchable but not by much. 

    And Alien I liked that. 

  • I did like the 2049 version, I think you have to enjoy it on its own merits, as a movie in its own right. It was weird to me how some of the characters used Hungarian in places, in fact it may be they filmed it in parts of Budapest - lots of movies have been. 

  • 2049 was good I thought.

    Did any of you watch Altered Carbon? 

  • This film parallels a video game - he wakes up and meets 'the princess' (his wife) and the bad guys kidnap her so he has to go and rescue her - through multiple levels until the boss-level fight at the end to get her back.   At the end of each level, the armourer (Sharlto Copley) resupplies him and gives him power-ups - it's the only film I've ever come out of the cinema feeling totally stunned.    It's a visual overload - and it's all done in first-person visuals - as though you are Henry himself.

  • Your right, I never watched this ha, too much adrenaline packed killing for me lol,

    I like a strange and strong story line. 

  • I wasn't a fan of 2049 - too many loose ends.

    I did enjoy Hardcore Henry - although I seem to be the only person to see it!

    here's the trailer:

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  • This film parallels a video game - he wakes up and meets 'the princess' (his wife) and the bad guys kidnap her so he has to go and rescue her - through multiple levels until the boss-level fight at the end to get her back.   At the end of each level, the armourer (Sharlto Copley) resupplies him and gives him power-ups - it's the only film I've ever come out of the cinema feeling totally stunned.    It's a visual overload - and it's all done in first-person visuals - as though you are Henry himself.

  • Your right, I never watched this ha, too much adrenaline packed killing for me lol,

    I like a strange and strong story line.