What are you passionate about?

It's very common for Autistic people to be very knowledgable in a particular field or about a very specific thing. So what I wanna know is what that is for people!

For me? It's Star Trek. I freaking love Star Trek. I live and breathe it. I went to a convention this year and it was awesome! I get so excited about it and just love watching it. Whenever I feel low? Watch Star Trek. Whenever I feel great? Watch Star Trek. Whenever I feel whenever? You can bet it's Star Trek time! I like playing a game where whenever I watch something else, I like to see if there's any actor who has ever been in Star Trek. You'd be surprised! I don't know too many people who also like it, so I just talk about it whenever and wherever. Sometimes I like to intentionally ramble on about it because I know it makes people roll their eyes. But sometimes people know how much I like it so they let me go on and on! I like those people!

I'm also pretty knowledgeable about films and TV in general. Even ones I haven't seen. I just seem to absorb trivial knowledge. 

So time for you to geek out about your passions! :D 

  • Genealogy. My family tree has 15,000 people on it. I also research my husband's which has a similar number. I have traced his line back to the 1100s. He is directly descended from many kings and queens, as far back as Robert the Bruce. Thankfully his ancestors had regularly updated their family tree with a 300 page document! 

    I just love to sit and browse through the website, sometimes just picking someone at random and researching their life. Sometimes I just like to 'tidy up' the info I have online especially if copiedJoy from someone else and it lacks commas, full stops or capital letters. Joy I find I can lose myself for hours. 

  • I don't really like these ancestry websites - I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of some random member of my extended family choosing to put all MY detailed personal data on the internet.

  • My trees are all set to private, plus living relatives are locked unless someone personally shares the tree with you.

  • I guess that's true of the internet in general. Getting tagged in Facebook photos without permission is a common one.

    It's hard finding a balance between connecting with people and also keeping one's privacy.

  • Doesn't stop anyone putting someone else's information on line.

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