Shopping dreams

I have several repeating dreams.

One is about shopping, or shopping districts to be precise.

In it, I am either walking or travelling by bus. In the near distance there is this posh very affluent shopping area, full of posh shops with quality goods, plenty of good restaurants and tree lined streets, often it's dusk, the shops are lit up, the area is full of happy people full of life.  I am getting very very close to these shops but I never actually get there. Sometimes I'm just one street away.

In another dream I am in a city centre shopping,  full of interconnected covered arcades.  This time I'm actually inside the centre. From one central food court I count at least eight exits, all leading to another long shopping arcade.  This centre just seems to go on forever.

Another dream,  it's like a 1940s BW movie of new york, It's Saturday evening and it's raining lightly, there are tall buildings with shops everywhere and I keep crossing streets repeatedly. To go from one set of shops to another.

Eventually I wake up and realise that in reality I regularly go to my small local shopping area which only has a limited choice of shops, some take aways, a few supermarkets,  DIY etc.  Nothing exotic.

Is the interpretation of these dreams obvious?

  • What I was thinking as I read that was that it seems to represent that you're searching for something, that is perhaps just out of reach. Then the other dream perhaps says that when you reach that thing, it might become like a (comfortable) trap, cleverly designed so that all of the things that look like exits actually lead to more of the same.

  • What I was thinking as I read that was that it seems to represent that you're searching for something, that is perhaps just out of reach. Then the other dream perhaps says that when you reach that thing, it might become like a (comfortable) trap, cleverly designed so that all of the things that look like exits actually lead to more of the same.

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