
I've had 2nd, 3rd, 4th............far too many thoughts on posting this and changed my mind about it.

  • Greetings. Of course You are not alone in doing this! As far as I know, this is common to "Autism" if not one of the methods of Diagnosing it (seeming rude, not fitting in, or just not saying anything despite reeealy wanting to.)

    Hopefully someone else will reply with a more educated/experienced answer than Mine just now. (It helps if in the Title, to Put what the Thread is about...?) For Myself, when in My "Yoof", this happened so much, that nowadays I simply do not care, and restrict Myself to saying only basic interactions like Thank You, Please, Excuse Me, Have a Nice Day, No Thank You, etc... If someone presses Me for more, then I warn them first, and then explain what I said & why. I prefer to think - a lot - first. People read too much into things said or even the not saying anything at all, and that is too stressful for Me, so I honestly do not bother anymore, unless they know Me already, in which case I just treat the entire affair as a learning situation rather than Social interaction.

    ...Woah, this Post went on longer than I intended. Good luck with  anything & with this Thread in anycase, certainly.

  • Thank you DC, actually thank you so much for replying.


  • ...Thank You for the reply. I still prefer another opinion, though, yet, I would say... also have a look at other Threads, there is a "related threads" section usually below all Threads. You are certainly not alone as I said, this is a common topic.

    With regards to feeling p@$&$@&$ off and fed up, I got this also, and so I highly recommend *learning* from the feeling, not acting upon it (i.e. do not speak when pee'd off or angry like that!)... I really meant what I said about having a go at treating it all as a learning situation... learn more about those whom You care for, and learn how to onteract, and then remember it. Then, One can feel safe (safer) and have fun. Learn to recognise offending or refusal or dismissal, then approach them about it afterwards during a less stressful time.

    Everyone is an individual, and so appreciate their individual tastes and/or foibles. That is what I know best so far...

    (There is a new reply as I type this... I must end this post, now.)

  • ...Thank You for the reply. I still prefer another opinion, though, yet, I would say... also have a look at other Threads, there is a "related threads" section usually below all Threads. You are certainly not alone as I said, this is a common topic.

    With regards to feeling p@$&$@&$ off and fed up, I got this also, and so I highly recommend *learning* from the feeling, not acting upon it (i.e. do not speak when pee'd off or angry like that!)... I really meant what I said about having a go at treating it all as a learning situation... learn more about those whom You care for, and learn how to onteract, and then remember it. Then, One can feel safe (safer) and have fun. Learn to recognise offending or refusal or dismissal, then approach them about it afterwards during a less stressful time.

    Everyone is an individual, and so appreciate their individual tastes and/or foibles. That is what I know best so far...

    (There is a new reply as I type this... I must end this post, now.)

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