
I've had 2nd, 3rd, 4th............far too many thoughts on posting this and changed my mind about it.

  • (Thanks for the Title change. But now someone else has begun a Thread about "banter", which is <> the same thing, yet highlighting the more *deliberate* side of insults in conversation...! Too many Threads is too much for Me, I apologise, I wait for others to reply to here or that other Thread. It would be good perhaps if You and that other Poster spoke to each other, too.)

    (I secretly despise telling other people what to do, but I think that is a good idea anyway.) ...!

  • (Thanks for the Title change. But now someone else has begun a Thread about "banter", which is <> the same thing, yet highlighting the more *deliberate* side of insults in conversation...! Too many Threads is too much for Me, I apologise, I wait for others to reply to here or that other Thread. It would be good perhaps if You and that other Poster spoke to each other, too.)

    (I secretly despise telling other people what to do, but I think that is a good idea anyway.) ...!

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